Family Ties [Part 73]

Aug 16, 2010 01:51

Title: Family Ties

Characters (in this chapter): New China, Taiwan, Macau, Japan, Mongolia, Vietnam, North and South Korea, India, Ireland, England, Wales, Czech, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Scotland and France, PHEW!

Rating: 12

Warnings: Long speeches, blocks of text, the fact I'm writing while half asleep again.

Summary: Uh, I need to be banned from the kink meme or monsters like this happen? Essentially, Scotland leaves the UK, which gives Northern Ireland an excuse to up and out as well, which leaves England and Wales all alone. Oh yeah, and this somehow leads to World War Three.

India was trying very hard not to see China when she looked at the man across the table from her. Bits of his hair, not quite long enough to stay back in the pony tail for long, were escaping on one side, forming that characteristic side-swipe of hair Hong Kong usually sported. His accent had warped from perfect English to slightly more Mandarin tinged, and he didn't seem happy about it either. He'd probably get used to the change eventually. Hopefully. Then she wouldn't be tacking on "aru" to the end of his sentences in her head.

"So that's finances done." he wrapped up with a due sense of weary despair over the negative figures on the paper. "Next I suppose is the announcement I have to make." New China cleared his throat, though still managed to look permanently bored. "As you all know, I've taken gege's position as the representative of the Chinese people." A look around the silent room. "This was not a decision that I made myself. The power passed to me unexpectedly. Of course, you're free to think that I set this up as an elaborate scam if you want." Vietnam looked down at her notes with a glare. "But that is not the issue here. The issue I have is that I am not capable of handling this many problems on my own."

Apparently, Macau and Taiwan hadn't been told about this part of the meeting, as they looked just as interested and observant as the rest, even a little more curious. India wondered if this was going where she thought it was.

"As such, I would like to offer Taiwan and Macau a share in power, at least until I've stablised the country enough to stand alone."

A ripple of shock ran around the table. Someone muttered "I knew it", possibly one of the Koreas. India echoed the sentiment in her mind. Taiwan's mouth hung open, shocked, where as Macau was looking at his brother like he'd grown two heads.

"How do you plan for that to work?" asked Mongolia. Hong Kong glanced over at him.

"Taiwan already has government buildings, a parliament and such. It's not entirely impossible to delegate various matters, perhaps share whole sections of government, between Beijing and Taipei. Macau, you're welcome to a share in power if you so wish, though we'd need to build new things for it." He looked down at his siblings, shrugging like a nonchalant teen. "What do you say?"

There was a beat of silence, before Taiwan lept up and hugged her brother round the waist. "Yes! Yes please!" she cried, a great smile on her face. India was reminded of the fact that Taiwan had been trying to gain either independence or power over the past thirty years, growing more and more desperate. Hong Kong patted his sister awkwardly on the head, surprised at the reaction, and looked over his shoulder at Macau.

"Well, Rui?"

The teen folded his arms, leaned back in his chair, and smirked. "That's sweet of you, Li Shui, but I think I'll pass on it." The smirk widened to a grin, a dangerous look, and India nearly flashed back to Portugal's strange smile when she'd tried to declare independence the first time. "I prefer my work to be behind the scenes anyway."

New China raised an eyebrow. "Suit yourself. I'll leave that to you, then." He finally got Taiwan to release him, straightening his clothes. "The formal paperwork will be signed later today, I just wanted to check."

Japan held up his hand. At a nod, he spoke. "Does this mean that you planned to transfer power regardless of the response?"

Hong Kong shrugged. "Does it matter? I know my siblings."

"Sneaky son of a bitch." Macau sighed affectionately.

South Korea jumped up, grinning. "If you're done, we're next!" he yelled, tone completely unaffected by the quietness of the room. Japan and Mongolia winced. Yong Soo pulled his sister into standing with him, prompting an annoyed look, though a slight pink tinge entered her cheeks. "Alright, so, We have a big announcement too!" He held their clasped hands up. "We're getting married!"

Thwack! And South Korea's face landed hard on the table, North Korea's fist still raised from hitting him.

"What he means is we're re-unifying." she ground out, glaring down at him. "All in favour say 'ye', all against shut up."

Silence for a moment as Yong Soo twitched in pain. Finally Japan raised his hand.

"I agree to it. 'Ye'."

Macau, cackling at South's pain, chimed in "ye" as well, followed by Taiwan and New China, Mongolia, Vietnam. India added her vote as well, even though she was just an observer technically.

South finally unstuck his face from the table, looking no worse for wear. "And as our first act, we declare neutrality, like we decided!" He grinned at his sister, who turned a little more red and looked away, mumbling something like "idiot".

Mongolia cleared his throat. "I know this seems like a bad time, but I need to ask a favor from anyone willing." he sighed forlornly. "Save me from Russia?"

Someone snorted, probably Macau, but poor Mongolia looked haggard and worn. "I'm serious. He'll be installing missiles in the Steppes next. There's some all along my southern border pointed at the middle east, as well as you, India." Apologetic, he looked to her with a helpless expression. "I don't want to be invaded, but with such pressure from him I can't do anything against him. New China, I was hoping that since you're no longer in the war, you'd at least lessen the pressure from your side."

"Of course." New China nodded, bored expression shifting to concerned. "Are you certain of their targets if they were to be fired?"

Mongolia nodded. "At least one major city of each Middle Eastern country. Some of the bigger ones would eradicate little countries like Syria or Jordan."

India's eyebrows shot up into her hairline. "How long?"

The Mongol shook his head. "Since about six months ago."

Events lined up with a near audible click in India's mind. Oh, that made much more sense. The others would have happily pulled out earlier, but with this kind of pressure...

Maybe she should have been more concerned about the bombs that were pointed at her.


"You know, I never thought the novelty of gunfights would wear off." Aine groaned, patching a wound where a bullet grazed her side. Latvia hovered nervously, though she batted at him like an annoying fly or over-affectionate puppy.

"I rather thought they became tiresome somewhere about 1916." sighed Arthur, pulling his toes towards himself to prevent his leg from cramping up again in the trench they'd made. Wales squeezed muddy water out from his trousers.

"Least in 1916 you could hear the feckin' things coming."

"Stop your moanin' or we'll all get depressed."

"Hey!" yelled Czech, and everyone jumped at her sudden appearance. "What're you doing moping around, prav? We just cleared the information block on Poland, prav!"

England leaned his head against the tent canvas. "Oh thank fuck for that, phone reception once more." Flicking out his phone, he tapped in a text to Portugal. "This should make life easier."


Lithuania was waiting for the moment when Poland would change back to that strange, dreamy self of his. It was about an hour overdue, more or less, though the change wasn't always dead on time. He was starting to get confused. Was something wrong? It was true that they hadn't received a border update in a while, but he wasn't about to go out of his way to make sure Russia ran operations effectively. He wasn't even here when they got back, just a bunch of soldiers had apprehended them, apparently believing that Lithuania and Poland would just as quickly turn traitor. They were right, of course. So now they were sitting in a jail cell next to each other, Scotland and France in one and himself and Poland in the other.

"Like, is there seriously nothing to do?" Poland grumbled, hanging upside-down off his bunk bed by his knees. "Not even a pack of cards? Seriously? Ahh, torture, this is torture!"

"Would ye shut up afore I cave yer face in?" yelled Scotland from the cell across, France propped up against his shoulder, asleep though fitfully. Maybe because of the yelling. "This ain't bloody torture. This is just takin' the piss."

"Why, because even after you smacked Russia in the face and escaped, you still did all those totally not cool things while you were all..." the blonde made odd hand movements. "... weird, and you're stuck here with us so you can't fix them?"

"Poland." Lithuania groaned, placing his forehead against the metal bars. The December air had chilled them to the point where if he licked them he'd probably get his tongue stuck. "It's not his fault."

His friend pouted. "Bah, Liet won't even let me start a fight to have some fun."

A clang sounded as the brunette Nation smacked his head against the bars in exasperation.

- Hong- er, New China you devious bastard. <3
- Reasons for the Middle East hanging around and doing more of what Russia tells them to do than strictly necessary. \o/;;
- Poor Liet.
- Sorry it was late and not up on Saturday like usual. Nena kidnapped me. Blame her.
- Sleepy times now.

Part 74

family ties, fanfiction, hetalia

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