Helm: I saw two girls who were identical! And I found a possessed ring!
Eight: How much *did* you have to drink?
Helm: noooone. ;_; Frey asked if I hadn't slept in a while
Eight: You've slept.
Helm: So I have. They were freaky. two of them. Looking exactly alike.
Helm: But one had PINK hair
Helm: you saw that one!
Helm: *pats his pockets and pulls out a really sparkly ring* I found a ring :D
Eight: *looks at it* Pretty
Helm: For you. Since you said no when I asked you about owning anything :D
Eight: *blink blink* Thank you.
Helm: I left the two twin girls who aren't really twins alone in the houses of healing o.o
Eight: There will doubtless be 20 of them by dawn.
Helm: eek
Eight: Tomorrow they will suck out our brains through our eyecavities and dance on our remains
Helm: cool. How much time have you had to think about this?
Eight: ...two hundred years or so...
Helm: I won't let the big bad teenage girls get you
Eight: Oh good. So you finally see that we have to strike first....
Helm: well, I was thinking just going to see if the pink-haired one's head is any better and if they come too close you can hide behind me
Eight: *stiffly* I don't hide. ...I attack with catlike quickness!
Helm: Of course.
Eight: *pounces Helm* ...like so.
Helm: *looks down at Eight* But what if I was short, perky, and had pink hair?
Eight: No mercy... the infidels would dieeeee
Helm: *kisses* You're crazed
Helm: If the ring starts talking to you, hit it with a rock. I think it's posessed
Eight: Possessed...it talkes? Mmmn... *puts on the ring, jumps a bit and takes it off*
Greenwald: *does nothing*
Eight: Yegh... that was like chewing aluminium or sticking a fork in a socket ors...
Greenwald: put me oooon
Eight: *looks down* You're one of those other rings... Not putting you own again while I'm still a ringwraith...
Eight: *shivers* unpleasant.
Greenwald: *snickers* I'm just an innocent dwarven ring. HEY. King-dude! Yeah, Greenwald be speaking to you. See me? Yes. He hasn't gone crazy now pick me up and give me to the teenage girls :D I'm part of their taking over the world scheme
Helm: ...okay, it does talk. *steps on it*
Eight: Stupid ring.
Greenwald: *rolls out from under Helm's foot and smacks into Eight's shoe* *twitches his settings*
Eight: I could keep you, you know. I just can't wear or use you.
Greenwald: Gimme to the girl :D
Eight: ...mmn... why should I? I can't gain anything from it...and I don't particularly like your former owners
Greenwald: I will eat your soul
Eight: *eyebrow raise and picks up the ring* good luck little annulet
Greenwald: *gets bigger and wraps around Eight's wrist* *tightens*
Eight: *grits teeth* Off. Now. Or I swear I'll pop every last bit of colored glass off your garish settings
Helm: o.O *gets a knife*
Eight: You can go ahead and cut off my wrist if you like...It'll grow back eventually...
Greenwald: o.o *tighten*
Eight: *glares* You know what I am little ring. Sauron doesn't need you and I doubt anyone would care If I made a little field trip to Mt. Doom and tossed you in. So get off my hand or else.
Greenwald: Take me to my pet girl. Heeey. Would you be willing to cut off big muscle-bound and stupid's hand?
Eight: *clutches at the ring with the other hand* Oh no you don't.
Greenwald: Girls. Take. Me. :D
Eight: The only place we're going is Mordor.
Greenwald: *gets dragonring sized*
Eight: clings to it. No. bad ring.
Greenwald: *shrinks suddenly*
Eight: >.<
Greenwald: *snaps at Eight's hand with his settings*
Eight: This is embarrassing. Fine.
Greenwald: rock
Eight: I'll give you to the girls...no telling what I' going to DO to them but you can have them back.
Helm: Ahem.
Eight: >.<
Helm: Give me the demon ring
Greenwald: DWARVEN ring
Helm: Same thing
Eight: *grumbles about stupid getto jewelry*
Helm: *drops it in his pocket* A nice gift I wanted to get you. It's a damn demon ring.
Eight: No respect. I chase his kind up and down middle earth being generally helpful and stupid thing about takes off my hand while giving me the worst migraine....
Helm: *pat* What do wraith rings do, anyway
Eight: Keeps me alive indefinately. I regrow what limbs I loose and I regularly come back to life. I know where the one ring is at all times. And...well other things
Helm: Well. I have a hammer. It gives me a stiff shoulder when I'm stupid enough to use it one-handed. *nods* It's my special object. Other things?
Eight: The problem is that I can't have two rings at once... I can transport rings which makes the episode with Greenwald particularly embarrassing. If my right was working correctly he shouldn't have been able to get away with all of that.
Greenwald: :D
Helm: *flicks ring*
Eight: Since Sauron's lost interest in collecting rings...I think that ablilty has pretty much gone...
Eight: Though fining his rings are rare enough that I haven't been able to test it until now...
Helm: want to experiment more on it?
Eight: No.
Eight: Sorry but my head hurts and I don't feel very well...too much interference with both of them on...
Helm: Okay. I'm sorry. I'll find you something that doesn't give you a migraine next time I pick something else up.
Eight: Appreciate the thought...
You know, I think I'm going to bring one of them back and tell Eight I've adopted her :D