Colton hasn't been out of jail a day and already he's starting to cause trouble...with Leon, no less.
Leon: *sits in the bar, his attention mostly on a worn journal he is writing in; every once in awhile, he averts his attention to his wine and drinks before continuing with his writing*
Colton: *sits a few tables over from Leon, grinning as he sips his whiskey. After he has consumed enough to let his mouth lead his head, but not enough to be truly drunk, he calls to the other older man* Silverberg.
Leon: *glances up at the call, straightening in his seat to look over at Colton; he raises a brow, having known there were older people around the castle but never meeting any of them* Hm?
Colton: *nods to the other man as if affirming it was he that called his name* "I've heard of you," he says as if it is a coordinate on a chart.
Leon: *assesses the old man for a moment longer before replying* I'm afraid you have me at a slight disadvantage, then. You are...?
Colton: *takes his bottle and moves to Leon's table but does not sit. He sets the bottle down, though and offers his hand* Colton. Colton Eismeer.
Leon: *turns to acknowledge the other and shakes his hand* Sit down if you wish. Is there a reason you called me?
Colton: *nods in thanks for the offer of a seat and lowers himself onto the chair. After taking a sip of his drink he gives Leon a quizzical look* Perhaps there is...but to start, I don't like to drink alone.
Leon: *smirks at the dry admission, nodding in understanding* When one is imprisoned for so long, they begin to crave human contact. Perhaps that's why you're reaching out to strangers. *takes a swig of his drink* I have heard of your escapades... It is interesting to meet the man himself.
Colton: *grins ans he pours himself some more of the whiskey* Ah...I'm honored that you took notice of my activities...despite how futile they were.
Leon: *brushes his moustache thoughtfully* I do not see the point, honestly. What do you hope to accomplish?
Colton: Accomplish? My good man, perhaps you are unaware, but those of us that are Kooluk are from a time and place long ago. We have no land of our own, no place we can retreat to as our home. I only want to claim land for us, such that we can live as we used to...
Leon: And how does the way you used to live differ from this right now?
Colton: We were more of a seafaring people. Our children were even born in and on the water. *glances away* I'm not just a nostalgic old fool, if that's what you're implying. I want to bring Kooluk back to glory.
Leon: You might as well learn to resurrect the dead. I was under the assumption your current dilemma is a temporary one, though.
Colton: I am not trying to do anything as idiotic as ressurect the dead. Zexen would be an easy target for us--especially with our advanced weaponry. Our dilemma has become permenant, I'm afraid.
Leon: *smiles wryly* Advanced weaponry?
Colton: *takes a sip of his drink and whispers* Rune Cannons.
Leon: Hmm... Interesting. Yes, they sound like dangerous weapons. But aren't your enemies from your era also here as well? They must be quite the thorn in your side.
Colton: Elenor seems to think they can be dealt with, and I have an idea on how to keep the others who would interfere...ahh...preoccupied. *shakes his head* But I don't know why I'm telling you this.
Leon: Perhaps you're looking for support. Or perhaps it's the drink talking.
Colton: Probably more the former than the latter. If you are interested...
Leon: From my understanding, the Zexen Council is quite corrupt in its own right. Perhaps a change of government wouldn't be a bad idea...
Colton: *leans in* Well, I'll agree with you on that. Now...before I tell you my thoughts...realize that I respect your family but I know that they could definitely destroy my ambitions...
Leon: *snorts* And this is why you will need other Silverbergs supporting you.
Colton: *smirks* Of course.
Leon: I don't not think the majority of them will be a problem, though. Most of them are ... wretchedly dysfunctional. *bitter*
Colton: Perhaps, but by carrying out the first step of my plan, it will throw them all into chaos.
Leon: Not that that will be any different from now, but you have my attention.
Colton: *holds up the whiskey bottle to offer some to Leon before refilling his glass* First of all, let me say that I learned many interesting things while I was confined to the infirmary...
Leon: *waves off Colton's offer as he replies sarcastically* That zombies don't run amuck?
Colton: *smirks* Not in the least, but they do prefer the company of wolves. However, that is not the iota of information that is going to help, now, I suppose...
Leon: *leans forward* Hmm. And what have you learned? It must be quite good if you are so confident.
Colton: *swirls his drink in his glass* It would seem that the castle is going to be witness to a blessed event...
Leon: Blessed event...? *raises a brow slowly*
Colton: *grins* I'm surprised you don't know. There's going to be a little addition to your family....
Leon: ... So Odessa is... ... Hrm. *nods tersely, knowing he should not be surprised by this turn of events* And?
Colton: *looks at Leon wryly* You don't seem overjoyed at this news. *takes a sip* Well...what more pitiful than a missing pregnant woman? While the knights of Zexen and the Castle denizens are busy searching for her...we'll take Zexay. *he coughs nervously* She'll be unharmed of course, and we'll return her immediately after the Council meets our terms...
Leon: Odessa has always been a ... free spirit. I tend not to support her decisions. *smiles thinly* It is a sound plan. However, you underestimate the denizens of this castle. They will certainly take notice of any preparations for battle.
Colton: *nods, and does not seem at all shocked that Leon has no qualms about putting his niece in danger* The preparations must be made away from the Castle.
Leon: *considering the types of tactics he has created and the type of woman Odessa is, his reaction should not have been surprising to begin with* Any sorts of supplies will need to be well hidden.
Colton: There's a cave...across the can see the castle from it. We can store supplies in there and when the ice thaws, we can hide a ship in it.
Leon: So we will walk across the lake? Conspicuous, don't you think?
Colton: No. You can access the cave from near Zexay. People from the castle travel there all the time. It would not be suspicious.
Leon: *nods broodingly* And with some of Zexen's key knights here in Budehuc, Zexay will be at quite the disadvantage.
Colton: *raises his glass as if toasting an invisible friend* Indeed they are. Now, what will you do to help? And what will you expect as payment?
Leon: I will look into the congregational calendar for the Zexen Council. The takeover will be that much more simple if they can be seized while in council. And my services are free; the Silverberg family is made of more than enough old money.
Colton: *offers his hand* Sounds reasonable. We have much to do in terms of gathering supplies...but when do you think we should strike? In the spring?
Leon: We have the time and resources to gather those supplies. *shakes Colton's hand firmly* We will strike once we are confident that ice will not hamper the ship.
Colton: *nods to Leon* Agreed. And your niece? Who will be responsible for arranging for her disappearance?
Leon: We will have to think about that one. *frowns*
Colton: All right. I'll leave it to you to find someone appropriate for the task.
Leon: Of course. *nods in agreement*
Colton: *rises* Well then...I'll be on my way. Should you need to find me...I frequent the tavern.
Leon: *nods, keeping his seat as he watches Colton* I will be sure to seek you out as necessary. My quarters are behind the tavern.
Colton: Mine are on the destroyed boat as my ship was moved to Zexay for its winter berth.
Leon: I will keep that in mind. ... Be well, Sir Colton.
Colton: And you, Master Leon.