LJ username of offerer: marsgirl101 LJ username(s) of winner(s): teko_tenka Link to offer thread: Here Donation amount (USD) per winner: $12 Charity to which each donation was made: Doctors Without Borders (MSF Confirmation of donation (+ donation confirmation code, if applicable): http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/695/confirmationvx.jpg/
Original offerer said they would confirm the transaction, but I can't find it anywhere. The donation was for three other offeres as well of $22 and $40.
LJ username(s) of winner(s): teko_tenka
Link to offer thread: Here
Donation amount (USD) per winner: $12
Charity to which each donation was made: Doctors Without Borders (MSF
Confirmation of donation (+ donation confirmation code, if applicable): http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/695/confirmationvx.jpg/
Original offerer said they would confirm the transaction, but I can't find it anywhere.
The donation was for three other offeres as well of $22 and $40.
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