This auction will remain open until January 20th, 2012
If you'd like to participate in the auction by offering art (e.g. fanart, original art, fan videos, photography, and related media) please comment here with what you're offering.
If you are offering icons / wallpapers / journal or site layouts, please go to the Graphics auction post.
One offer per
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Email address: jean(dot)m(dot)bluhevn(at)gmail(dot)com
YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ (optional):
You can find my work at: DeviantArt
I am offering: One (1) full body, full color work with medium-complex background or 2 color busts.
Fandom(s) (where appropriate): Anything goes.
Additional Info: I work with water color and other traditional materials. My style tends to lean toward anime and manga. I will do anything so long as it is PG13.
Starting Bid in USD): $10
(The comment has been removed)
Yes I can work with descriptions and yes I can do a space opera thing (i'm fond of them myself). It would be a great opportunity to work with you. It would even be greater if you could bid and get your first illustration just for helping people in need. ;D -wink wink-
PM me for more details.
-edit: Oho! I missed your bid, but I caught sight of it. Thanks and good luck!-
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