Lightning Round 2 - REQUESTS ONLY!
This is our second Lightning Round. You may request anything that doesn't need to be mailed in the Lightning Rounds. We were not clear about that in our first Lightning Round, but we're not asking anyone to withdraw their offers! Round 1 will just be a little weird :D Please feel free to request
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Requesting: 2 fics (2,000 words each) and 2 pieces of art (anything - manips, drawings, set of icons)
willing to pay: $10 for each of the above (i.e. $40 total) - separate people can accept these 4 offers.
Fandom: Supernatural
Details Fairtytale theme and SPN characters or actors - anything that would fit the archives at spnj2fairytales. Looking for any pairing other than Sam/Dean (and their actors) or Cas/Dean (or their actors) only because there are already a lot of fairytales with those pairings (two challenge communities are resulting in lots of awesome fic and art for these pairing), but these characters may be paired with any other characters (ex. Sam/Cas is fine, Dean/Jo is fine). Slash, het, femslash, or no pairing/gen (for characters other than Sam, Dean, Cas, and their actors) - writer's/maker's choice. Cross-overs are okay. Any rating is fine. Links to the fic and art to be posted at the archive (original may stay at maker's own LJ or other site).
Since the main auction is closing later on tonight, I'll just wait to send you my proof of payment when i'm taking care of the rest, if that's ok.
And that's totally fine about proof of payment- no rush!
Oh, I think he did have great chem with blonde Ruby, but that might be hard to make that work.
I just made my $10 contribution (together with other items I'd bid on) so I'll need your e-mail to send you the proof. You can let me know here, or by PM. I didn't see an email addy on your profile.
That's awesome, thanks so much for donating! If you want to send the receipt to that'd be great.
I'm hoping to have the fic finished and ready to post by the weekend! :)
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