Offering Words
If you'd like to participate in the auction by offering words - fanfic, original fic, printed fanfic or orig fic, beta services, non-fanfic editing services, and related stuff - please comment here with what you're offering.
One offer, one comment. If you are offering multiple items separately, submit one comment for each item.
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Email address: a_darling [at] live [dot] com
YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ (optional):
You can see things I've created at: quellfrost
I am offering: five 500+ word fics to the top 5 bidders. for every extra $1, I will write an extra 100 words.
Fandoms (if appropriate): SUITS (Harvey/Mike, RPS: Gabriel/Patrick), Inception (Arthur/Eames, Arthur/Cobb), Harry Potter
Additional Info: If you have reservations about the quality of my work (I know, I know, one fic is hardly anything to go by!), you can PM me for a list of kink meme fills I have written in the past. :D
Starting Bid (in USD): $5
Buy It Now (in USD): $10
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