Overflow Post 1: Offering Interesting Stuff

Mar 17, 2011 22:33

Help_Japan Introduction Post

This auction post will remain open until 26 March. This post is now closed to new offers. Bidding continues until 31 March.

Important note
If you have already posted an offer in the original "Offering Interesting Stuff" post, PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT HERE. This is strictly for new offering posts only.

If you'd like to participate in the auction by offering something else that hasn't been covered in the other offering posts - please comment here with what you're offering.

In the Additional Info section, please include the following:
> offers of more than one item per auction
> offers to multiple winning bidders
> a favored charity that will receive the winning bidder's donation, if it does not appear on the list of pre-approved recipient charities

Bidding Rules
Bid by commenting to the Offering post.

Bids must be raised by at least a dollar per bid

Please do not delete comment containing a bid - if you have an issue, please comment to your bid explaining what happened, or contact a Comm mod.

How to Offer
Please list the type of item and fandom (if relevant) in the Subject to your post.

User Name:
Email address:
YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ (optional):
You can see things I've created at:

I am offering:

Fandoms (if appropriate):

Additional Info:

Starting Bid:

!overflow, !offering: everything else, !auction

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