Aug 29, 2010 05:38

Round 1 will be closing at 1 PM EST Sunday!

Summary of events:

[please make sure you read this carefully and are also familiar with this post, especially the FOR BIDDERS and FOR OFFERERS sections, as much of the procedure has been outlined already]

Auction closes (Sunday 1:00:00 PM EST sharp) and I screen all new comments in the community. I will be using the countdown clock here, so we're all on the same page. The last visible/unscreened comment on each thread will be the winning bidder.

The criteria goes like this:

A. If the post offers just one item and you're the highest bidder, you've won.
B. If the post has more than one of the same item and your bid is in the top number of bids - eg. in the top three for a post with three items - you've won.
C. For posts with multiple items but more identical bids than the number of items, preference is given to earlier bids.

Please note that if you have edited your bid, we will still check for the time that it was edited.

(Offerers, if you get bids on your offering comment after 1 PM EST despite the screening, as this might happen because of lj acting up, please ignore them.)

Mods inform winners that they have won with a "You've won" comment + next steps and will comment on original offerings about next steps for offerers. Your mods are the following people: fiercynn , myr_soleil , arizonaicerose, pinkfinity, tresa_cho and myself (help_pk_mod ).

ETA: we are allowing offerers to contact their winners as well - please see THIS POST for details and the notification template

Winner donates agreed-upon amount to charity of the offerer's choice (if stated) or of their own choice from our charity/aid groups list.

Winner emails the offerer or mods (helppakistan.lj[at] with proof of donation by Sunday September 5th. Here's a link to a tutorial on remove personal info from a confirmation via photobucket. Alternatively, you can use MS Paint or Photoshop or any graphics software to black-out your info on physical receipts before you pass the confirmation along. Please note that we must be able to see: the name of the entity you donated to, their address/some contact information, the date/time of donation, the amount donated, a confirmation number and either (a) the first letter of your first and last name, or (b) your entire first OR last name.

Please also note, if you have made:

A. a donation covering multiple winning bids -- we request that you please CC each of the offerers in your confirmation email.
B. a pre-donation and are a winning bidder -- you will still receive the "you've won" message + directions to confirm payment with us, so please send us an email to let us know if your pre-donation covered your amount, and if it did not, then please send us confirmation of the supplemental donation and we can get in touch with the offerer(s) for you.
C. a donation to a charity group not on our list but approved by your offerer -- please confirm with them rather than the mods.

If bidder sends the offerers confirmation--which is the method we highly encourage and recommend--they let mods know via email or comment at our DONATION CONFIRMATION STATION (that post is locked to comments right now but will be opened up as soon as we start notifying winners).

If mods receive confirmation, we let the offerer know. Please be aware that it may take longer for your offerer to hear of your confirmation this way because we are expecting high email traffic. We are planning on notifying all winners by Tuesday and will try to get all confirmations sent by next Sunday/Monday.

Offerer and winning bidder discuss details of the requested item off the community -- please use PMs or emails for this. (If offerers don't hear from mods or their winning bidders by Tuesday September 7th and have contacted them and still heard nothing, drop us a line at the questions post). Winning bidders, please note that if the mods or the offerer do not receive a confirmation or from you by September 7th and if our attempts to contact you regarding the auction fail, your place may be given to the second highest bidder on the thread.

Offerer creates/sends requested item, ideally by the deadline (October 1st).

9. If winners don't hear from their offerer by October 1st and their offerers have not informed them of a delivery delay in advance or in their offering thread, please contact the mods on the questions post. We will try to get in touch with your offerer or, that failing, set you up with a pinch-hitter.

10. Round One of help_pakistan  is successful!


Sorry if this is a bit wordy or confusing but hopefully all the information is in there, and if not, please go check the last few posts in the community to see if your question has been addressed before asking it. The questions post is still up but comments will be screened briefly and then unscreened soon after the end of the auction.

Thanks for sticking with us everyone! Happy last-minute bidding to all!

closing, admin, procedures

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