Welcome to my Friday:
* I just realized how long I've really been away from LJ because I looked at my previous post and noticed that apparently I'd completely forgotten about the concept of putting a long post behind a cut. Sorry 'bout that.
* I was out back just now and I saw a female cardinal and a male cardinal flirting with each other: the
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Comments 1
I've been working on a book. So far it's much more difficult than it ever used to be. It's like going through taction after a severe injury. Plus, I'm trying to tie a lot of points together and make it exciting and funny at the same time. My vision is an epic urban fantasy story that looks like it could have been written by a collaboration of Dave Barry and Joss Whedon. So far I have three books planned for these characters. Let's hope it can jump on the movie bandwagon like Harry Potter and Twilight.
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