If you have any questions, please post them
Please comment here with your offer if you’d like to participate in the auction by offering words - fanfic, original fic, beta services, non-fanfic editing services, etc.
Attention Offerers:Please post separate comments for items of different mediums (e.g.
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Email address: sunnyparadoxide@gmail.com
YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ (optional):
You can see things I've created at: my journal
I am offering: fanfiction of at least 2,000 words
Fandoms (if appropriate): Inception, X-Men: First Class
Additional Info (optional): I write Arthur/Eames, some Arthur/Mal, and occasionally Arthur/Ariadne for Inception, and Charles/Erik for XMFC. I can also write gen. won't write mpreg or hardcore kinks. pretty much everything else is fair game though :)
Starting Bid: $5
Please get in contact with the offerer and provide proof of your donation.
Thank you so much for participating!
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