If you have any questions, please post them
Please comment here with your offer if you’d like to participate in the auction by offering audio - podfics, audio editing services, original music, fanmixes, etc.
Attention Offerers:Please post separate comments for items of different mediums (e.g.
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contact: beexfive@hotmail.com
link to podfic masterlist: here
I am offering: Podfic of up to 10,000 words. Starting at $3 for 2000, and $1 for every additional 500 words.
Fandom: Bandom
Additional info: I need permission from the author. No Waycest or non-con. If the story is brendon/spencer, or frank/gerard, I would probably be willing to bend my upper limit a fair bit. Feel free to message me with questions.
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Please get in contact with the offerer and provide proof of your donation.
Thank you so much for participating!
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