Mmkay. I just realized I have nothing going for me. Like. I have no clue where I want to take myself in the future. What am I good enough to do that I can live off of? And now the people that think I'm gay just skyrocketed. My parents keep asking me if I have a boyfriend and when I say no, they scoff at me. What the jesus?
New pain. Getting your bare ass dragged across skateboard grip tape, then your asshole friends pouring vinegar all over the scrapes on your ass.
My mom thinks I'm
a. Gay
b. A hippie *well I'm like a neo-hippie wanna-be*
c. On drugs
d. Being raped by girls.
I really don't have a problem with people thinking I'm gay, but...I do.... It bothers me. Do I come across as gay? I'm just trying to break that fucking trend of guys haing to be macho all the fucking time.
This is my longest post in a long time. mmkay. Here's my rant.
Politics. I'm not really going to get too involved over american politics any more. Corruption runs too deep. So I'm moving over to world politics.
WHat the hell do I have going for me? Besides good friends I mean. Anyways I'm out.