The Bane of Rome

Dec 21, 2006 01:55

I watched as She broke the Great Stone
condemning the Oldest of Cities, and all those in it.
I saw the City swallowed almost whole
and I saw the emigration from the City,
to the land of the Brigantes
I lived and died with the Sistuntii
last of the families to forget the City
I have seen them know and forget
they do not want to remember

And I made a deal
with the Old Spirit
to ensure that I would live
and be able to keep alive
the memory of the City
but no one wants to remember
for it is part of the Forbidden Past
I have seen too much
and it makes me weep

I saw them rape your daughters
and humiliate your queen
they took what you had
and took it for themselves
I have seen the cruelties
of the Romans

I was there with the Trinovantes
and the Iceni, with Boudicca's vengeful scream
horrific and bloodcurdling, striking fear
into the hearts of the Romans
as Camulodunum burned to the ground
I have seen the great fires
that were a reflection of
a widow's rage

I have seen too much
now I hide away
not wanting to be a part
of an unnoticed world
I hide beneath the Tree
where no one will find me

--Lonán of the Iberni
Approx. written during the Iron Age
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