Feb 21, 2011 13:29


Threadhopping: Knock yourself out.
Backtagging: Absolutely!
Action Tags: Feel free if it's appropriate for the post.
Triggers: Please contact me if you don't wish to thread with Gamzee for any reason, such as clowns, references to drug use or awful rap! I completely understand - PM me or get in touch with me through any of the other means I have listed on my contact post!


Fighting: Yes, but he's not quite the pushover he seems to be and when not sober, he probably won't go around picking fights anyway.
Injuries: Sure, but ask first.
Killing: Nawp.


Relationships: Gamzee is always up for getting more of that beautiful thing called friendship. Also all of his quadrants are open, so he is open for some BAD ROMANCE or RAD BROMANCE whatever you want broseph you got it.
Falling in Love: I worry about you.
Hugging, Touching, Horn Fondling, etc.: Go for it.
Kissing: Uh, I guess if you don't mind sloppy clown makeup all over your face.
Sex: Okay, now I'm really worried about you.
Orientation: Like most of the trolls, Gamzee is a perfect 3 on the Kinsey Scale meaning he's genderblind when it comes to this.


GaMzEe tAlKs iN ThE ElItE PuRpLe hUe oF HiS BlOoD
NoT ThAt hE GiVeS A MoThErFuCkIn sHiT AbOuT aLl ThAt StUfF
hIs tYpInG QuIrK Is tHe mOtHeRfUcKiNg sHiT!
aNd AlSo InCrEdiBiY fUcKiNg AwFuL
He cUrSeS LiKe iT iT's GoInG oUt Of MoThErFuCkInG sTyLe, BeCaUsE ThAt's tHe sHiT HiS HeArT dOnE ToLd hIm tO dO
AnD OuT CoMeS ThIs bEaUtIfUl mOtHeRfUcKiNg mIrAcLe oF TeXt.
he can type like this
BuT ThAt jUsT DoN'T FeEl rIgHt, BrO :o(
He aLsO HoNkS To eXpReSs hIs mIrTh!
hOnKHoNkhOnK :o)

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