Muse has hightailed for parts unknown, but I'm not just twiddling my thumbs. A few Eight years ago, I gifted my husband with
a quilt for our bed, designed to his taste (gah - one of these days I'll get a pic of the *completed* quilt). But we bought a bigger bed and now the birthday gift is too small. Clearly, that's an excuse to make a new quilt
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Comments 23
Words can't express how impressed with your amazing sewing talents! Your handiwork is simply lovely....what beautiful quilts you create!
Your Grandfather sounds like someone I would have loved to have known, myself. What a truly wonderful and gifted man he must have been.
(Clearly, quite a bit of him lives on in you, my dear friend.♥)
Thanks so much for sharing - I'm so looking forward to seeing the evolution of this!
(Hugs you tight)
Oh, you are the absolute best for saying that, thank you so much! I really like to think it's true. *hugs* He was really the most amazing man. When he and my grandmother bought their house, they decided the stairway to the second floor didn't belong in the living room, so he moved it to the other side of the house!
I wish I was patient and coordinated enough for quilting, but alas, I'm a crocheter (and a novice knitter). I look forward to seeing more of this project in progress.
You should (if you haven't already) treat yourself to a good quality hardwood crochet hook in your favorite size - the feel of working with one of those is amazing.
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