Husband and I both love decorative grasses and we've bought several kinds over the past few years. He occasionally gets excited about plants and buys things when we have no idea where they're going to go. The year before last he did this with miscanthus grasses and after they'd lived in pots on the patio for a month or more, we picked a spot (
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Comments 14
New fence? The whole arrangement is very, very nice! Kudos to Husband for the great instinctive find. :)
Fence is neighbor's and yes, was new last summer; he stick-built the thing: Lots and lots of nailing and the bits he cut off are still stacked up at the top of his driveway. Just sank the 4x4s into the ground - no concrete. *rolls eyes* The really bizarre thing is that the chain link fence (which was in place when you were here and which you can just see at the left edge of the photo) is his fence. On his property. We tried to tell him, but he didn't believe us. So now there's a foot wide gap between the chain link and the wood fence. Ridiculous.
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