Title: Goodnight, Good Night
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Everything so far/speculation for ep2x14
Warnings: swearing, mean nicknames, me failing at writing Santana, and partially whited-out for people who no likes them spoil-some things: underage drinking, party scene, light kissing
Word Count: 4,007
Summary: Switching between a Blaine-centric third person-ish/Santana first person/Kurt first person, that includes mixed-signals, apple juice, and Santana's quest to kill two birds with one stone. That is all I will say.
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day, Comm!
Also: I just realized while almost finishing with this that Blaine's parts are not in first person like Santana's and Kurt's. I just already wrote a
fic this way last week, so I kept with that style. Again, sorry for any confusion, but hopefully the switch is tolerable.
Blaine's not sure how much Kurt actually likes him.
Okay, sure Kurt technically told him that he liked him at the coffee shop, and Blaine does have to admit that he has suddenly become quite fond of glancing at Kurt's lips any chance he can, but still.
He just thinks that Kurt has a naturally flirty personality, even if half the time when they're hanging out Kurt spends it looking shy and smiling awkwardly.
But Kurt had told him before that he used to like his step-brother--But like, before he was his step-brother. That's still weird, Blaine thinks, but he'll roll with it, he guesses.
And Blaine saw all that is Finn Hudson at Sectionals and at McKinley's football game and damn. Finn's not bad on the eyes, he thinks. But Finn is tall. Like tall, tall. Like as tall as a six-foot-three-inch-tree tall.
And those are two things that Blaine doesn't think he can compete with.
And then there's also that blond-haired kid that Kurt said he was a little hopeful about before.
How could Blaine ever compete with tall trees, surfer-Bieber looking kids, and just anyone Kurt likes in general?
The only reason that Kurt possibly likes him is because he's out and single.
That's all.
But Blaine is accidentally starting to hope that maybe there's something about himself that Kurt actually likes.
Likes about him more than the rest.
As more than a friend.
Maybe even loves him?
But no. That can't be determined yet. Even if Blaine has already had dreams about holding Kurt's hand in a park and sitting close together on a picnic blanket under a willow tree, it's totally just not going to happen. Blaine could totally go for potato salad right now though.
Because he's scared of messing it up.
Scared of messing up a few things, actually.
And that's exactly why right now he is on his way to a New Directions sleepover party with apple juice filled to the top of a water bottle.
He's driving Kurt, Mercedes, and Rachel to the event and has told them it was beer that he had gotten from his house. Luckily, he thinks they believe him.
Because he really can't afford to accidentally kiss Kurt tonight, for both of their sakes.
Kurt wants to kiss him, but Blaine's never been kissed. He can't be drunk and mess up his very first kiss with the boy he potentially wants to date. Kurt would never get a boner ever again if he were to kiss him. Blaine is not a tall tree nor a surfer boy; he is simply a hopeless romantic that watches way too many chick flicks.
And unfortunately, the party is at Santana's house tonight. The girls say that the only reason she's throwing this shindig is because she "finally realizes she has no friends and wants to make-up for past bitchiness."
And the reason Blaine was invited to this exclusive New Directions party?
"Santana had specifically told me that night at Breadstix that since I wasn't really part of their glee club anymore that I couldn't come and drink unless I brought you, for some reason. I thought after you sang that bit to her during 'Silly Love Songs' that she'd not like you, but I guess not!" Kurt had told him, smiling.
"This will be so interesting. Thanks for coming, Blaine, it means a lot to me."
Gulp-itty gulp gulp.
Apple juice? Check.
Scarf on? Check.
Mints? Ch--No. Throw those out.
Or keep them for snacks? Kissable snacks for later?
"Hey, Blaine! Want to come with me to the kitchen to grab something to drink?" Berry says.
I see what you're doing, hobbit. Distracting that poor man-hobbit so you can tell him something juicy about Kurt?
And then Kurt's over in the corner drooling over Finn. Ick. I mean, maybe he's not totally drooling, he actually looks pretty bored, but weird, whatever.
I hate them all.
Even Sam, and I want to suck face with him. He's being so stupid about Quinn.
But everyone thinks that this party was designed by the ~one and only~ just so I can hope to get on their good sides? Yeah, right, bitches.
My only mission for the last week has been to find a way to get with Sam and Brittany in the same night but just not at the same time. I don't want to share her with anyone. And ugh, why the hell do I feel my heart beating for that girl? That's awful.
But anyway, these people are so getting it tonight. Quinn thinks she can make secret moves on Finn without Sam noticing? Yeah, right. Santana's all up in this now, Quinny Two-Shoes.
And honestly, what the hell is going on between these two gay boys? Thick-eyebrows-hobbit thinks he can pass off that apple juice for alcohol?
Why doesn't he want to get drunk with doll-face and then do the nasty?
And why is doll-face looking so weird at Berry and Blaine-guy talking?
Wait. I know that look. He's jealous of her?
Wow. I have so much work to do. After tonight, no one can say that Santana never did nothin' for nobody.
It's happening. The worst thing imaginable.
Blaine is flirting with RACHEL.
I think I just puked in my mouth a little. I'm not even drunk yet. Where the HELL is Puck with the alcohol?
Ugh. This is inexcusable. Her hand is on his arm, and I just heard something about muscle.
Yes, Rachel, Blaine is secretly ripped. I have fantasized about it many times. He's a short knight in shining armor, and you have NO IDEA how long I've wanted to be doing what you are currently doing:
Making him like you.
I hate this. Why did Santana want me to bring him if I wasn't going to be the one making sudden advancements?
Rachel Berry, we are no longer friends. You had your chance, and now not even asking me to do an amazing duet with you will change a thing. I forever disown you as a friend.
They've spent the whole night around each other.
I've kind of forgiven her a little now, though. It seems she's mostly just talking to Blaine to make Finn jealous. Only Finn would be dumb enough to think a gay guy would want to "get with" the girl he was previously seeing. Obviously, I was just ill-informed of the situation and am not as gullible as Finn. Yes, never.
Mercedes told me that her and Rachel are trying to see if Blaine has any indication of liking me ever. I'm not completely into the idea of immaturely checking to see if some guy will ever like me, but I'm drunk now! Therefore, I can say whatever the hell I want and not feel bad.
"Hey, Blaine. You've been looking cozy with Rachel, I think Finn's getting jealous..." I tease as soon as Rachel stumbles away to get herself a mixed drink from the kitchen.
Blaine smiles and leans into me a little. This is it! This is it!
"Yeah, I have been, actually," he whispers, totally egging me on to jump his bones, "I hope Finn doesn't want to beat me up or anything, though, because I think I'm going to make a move. Do you think I should? I'm totally wasted right now, you know..."
Kurt, meet Endless Heart-Break. Endless Heart-Break, Kurt.
I can't look at him anymore. You're terrible, Blaine.
How could I have not seen this coming though? Honestly, this is just one more thing to add to the "The World Hates Kurt Hummel" pile.
Sure, Blaine. Go make-out with Rachel's nose.
Eh, that was kind of mean.
Fine. I hope she just throws up on you.
"Well, then, I wish you and your drunken-self all the luck in the world. Have a good night, Blaine."
I don't dare turn back to see his expression. Vodka and I are going to be having a very special date all night in the kitchen.
Blaine knows that Kurt is probably disappointed. He just hopes he's not devastated.
I'm doing this for you, Blaine thinks to himself. If he can practice kissing someone else first, then when he finally goes to kiss Kurt, it'll be magical and totally worth the wait.
"Well, then, I wish you and your drunken-self all the luck in the world. Have a good night, Blaine."
Right. He is so drunk right now. So drunk that he's going to kiss Rachel Berry.
Crap. Maybe he should actually be drunk for this.
He's acted like a gentleman for over a year, and acted it pretty well, he thinks, so why not pretend to like a girl and kiss her?
Because this has suddenly become a big deal.
Because he's hurting Kurt's feelings.
Because he won't be kissing Rachel out of liking her, even if she is nice enough.
Blaine's pretty sure she doesn't like him in that way, either, though. All night she's just been telling him some interesting things about Kurt being a cheerleader. Like, what?
He's never found the appeal of cheerleaders, even other guy cheerleaders, but just finding out anything about Kurt's past interests the hell out of him.
"Hey, there, Blaine. Are you enjoying yourself at my party?" Santana comes up and asks him.
Blaine thinks she might not like him too much, but she did want him to be here tonight, right?
He nods and holds his drink up to show his approval of the party, but maybe Santana isn't as dumb as Blaine hoped she was.
"I know you're drinking juice, man-hobbit, so how about you let me take that from you and supply you with something a little sweeter?"
That's preposterous! Alcohol would definitely not be sweeter than his apple juice. This apple juice is the shit, Blaine disagrees.
She sighs, leaning in a little closer, "Listen, I know you and doll-face are having orgies up at the all-boys school, and don't tell me that you aren't, because I simply won't buy it. Just take this," she says, handing him a red cup filled up to the brim with a questionable liquid, "It's grape juice."
Blaine sips it when she walks away. It is grape-flavored. Just definitely not juice.
Time to go be friendly with Not-Kurt...
It's nearing midnight and some of New Directions have to leave, since their parents would obviously not approve of a boys and girls sleepover.
Artie, Tina, and Mike need to leave, but the others have come up with plenty of excuses:
Quinn is sleeping at Mercedes house, and Mercedes is staying at Quinn's.
Finn said he was going to the party, but told his mom that he'd go over Mike's when it got close to midnight.
Kurt just told his dad that he was going to join Mercedes and Quinn's sleepover when Finn left for Mike's.
Sam's parents were out of town, Brittany just said she'd be at Santana's; Blaine just said he was staying at David's house for early Warbler practice the next morning, and nobody knows what Puck and Lauren's excuses are, because they're currently nowhere to be found. Quinn says she saw them go upstairs as soon as the party started.
Luckily, Santana is in the kitchen plotting when all this is being discussed.
Rachel is the only one that has to call her dads and explain that she is too drunk to come home and that she is "suuper shorry that [she is] dreenkingg, buuut [she'll] pick a proper punishment when [she] comes home in the morning."
Blaine wishes he had Rachel's parents.
He's currently talking with her by the couch, and for once, he's glad that he can actually be the one to look down for a change. Rachel is tiny and is currently giggling hysterically, telling Blaine to come sit down on the couch with her and snuggle.
Blaine is all for snuggling, but he just wishes the small hands that are clasping around his hand were much larger, stronger, and just...
So, maybe he's thought about too many things concerning Kurt. But he kind of had to, you know?
He was coming to this party tonight, thinking Kurt would at least get drunk, and they're always flirting, so like, why not go to sleep happy on some nights?
And holy hell, Blaine really hopes he didn't just admit to masturbating about Kurt to Rachel, since she's staring at him with large eyes.
"Blaine..." She whispers, leaning in closer to him, "I wish I could meet someone like you."
She starts frowning, and Blaine is almost relieved that she didn't lean in to kiss him, yet.
But suddenly, his planning won't matter.
"HEY, GUYS! Eyes on me now! K, thanks. We're playing spin-the-bottle, so set yourselves up and prepare to get'cho macks-izz on. The rules are: Whoever you land on, you have to use tongue. If you don't want to play, then get out of my house and sleep outside."
Everyone looks uncomfortable with this idea besides Brittany, but it's extremely cold outside, and everyone is drunk now, so...
But Kurt looks upset, coming back from the kitchen. His cheeks are flushed, his eyes are wide, and he looks like, well, not good.
"What's going on?" He asks, walking over to Blaine, reluctantly.
"We're playing spin-the-bottle. Santana is making us, otherwise we have to sleep outside."
"That's fair," Kurt nods, plopping down next to Mercedes. He looks up at Blaine to see if he's going to sit down, but Blaine instead goes and sits next to Rachel.
She squeezes Blaine's arm and smiles, secretly looking over at Finn, Blaine figures.
He doesn't dare look over at Kurt.
Rachel, you are this close to having me hate you again. Blaine is not your boyfriend, and even if Finn is giving you two a weird look, it doesn't mean he's going to want you back.
It just means that Blaine is going to start liking you.
Is it because I don't have long hair like the GAP guy? God. Maybe Blaine likes long hair, and that's why he's suddenly going to start liking girls? That's terrible. He's terrible. Really, really terrible, and...
I want him so much.
Why can't you like me, you ungrateful man-hobbit?
Whoops. I think Santana's nicknames are catching on.
But now Santana has started spin-the-bottle, and I'm pretty sure she purposely landed on Sam, since I did see them looking at each other interestingly at Breadstix last week. Sam doesn't seem too displeased with the bottle's placement, either.
I just hope I don't get picked, now. No one apparently wants a piece of this. Why am I even playing?
The game keeps going though, and recently Finn and Quinn have both gotten up to get new drinks. Wow, I wonder why...
What's funny though is when Rachel and Santana kiss. At first, Santana's look is priceless when she lands on Rachel, but then both of them go for it, anyway.
But, oh hey, now she's spinning and it's landing on Blaine.
And now I'm realizing finally that Blaine has never kissed anyone in his life.
You took "Defying Gravity" from me, and now why can't Blaine just heavily defy your freaking face?
But no. You're just giggling, leaning into him, and taking my happiness away. It's cool.
Obviously, Blaine would rather try to be straight than ever like me.
I get it, Blaine. You should have just punched me in the face that day at coffee instead of telling me you care about me.
It would have maybe hurt less, anyway.
Rachel tastes like vodka and bubblegum.
He knows that all eyes are on him now, but really, he just hopes Kurt isn't looking.
What if he looks really gross when he's making-out? What if Rachel pulls back and screams or something?
And then it's over, but Rachel is still all over him.
"Blaine, Blaine, Blaine! I like you. You're my new best friend, please? Be that? Come on, let's take shots!"
She stumbles to get up, pushing herself up by using Blaine's head as a resting post. She holds her hand out, giggling.
Blaine needs more practice. He does.
But then there's Kurt, walking upstairs.
And Blaine can't see his face anymore, but he's pretty sure that he wasn't skipping up the stairs in joy, so that can only mean one thing.
Still, he lets Rachel help him up, but he says that he needs to go see how Kurt's doing.
He needs to make sure that Kurt will talk to him again.
Kurt is on Santana's older brother's bed, his body turned away from the door.
Blaine can see his back shaking lightly, and then he hears the choked sob.
Nothing in the room exists to Blaine anymore except for that crying lump.
"Kurt?" Blaine says softly, closing the door behind him.
Kurt doesn't move, just breathes out deeply once. "What?" He asks, making sure to not sound like he was just crying.
"I don't like Rachel," is all he can think to say.
Kurt turns around to look at him, his face red and his cheeks slightly damp. Blaine smiles as Kurt rubs at his eyes and sits up.
"Then why did you kiss her?"
"It was just a game."
Maybe that was a bad choice of words, Blaine thinks to himself.
"Yeah. You like to play those," Kurt says quietly, and Blaine can just feel the venom in his voice.
"No, I don't. You don't know what you're talking about, Kurt. I-I kissed Rachel... because I don't want to suck when we do."
Kurt stares directly at him, and it takes all of Blaine's will power to not stay frozen because of those eyes.
"I-I want us to be right, still. I'm not ready yet, okay? I'm slowly realizing that you just mean... a lot to me. But you're more experienced than I am, and I want to be at your level."
Kurt laughs out loud once, rolling his eyes, "Blaine! I've had TWO experiences in my entire life, and neither of those lasted very long, and hell, they didn't mean what I wanted them to. What is up in your head, Blaine? Please, enlighten me now."
He gently sits on the bed, thinking he might still disrupt a recently-crying Kurt. God, he was crying over him...
"I'm really sorry for making you so upset all the time. Do you believe me now when I say 'I don't know what I'm doing'?"
Kurt smiles and nods, motioning him to lay down with him.
Maybe it's just the alcohol talking, but laying next to Kurt doesn't seem as heart-stopping as it would have normally.
They're both drunk, now.
Laying in the same bed.
The door now seems very, very closed to Blaine.
"Kurt, I do want to kiss you right now, just so you know."
Kurt bites his lip and then turns his head over to look at Blaine who is still looking up at the ceiling. "Why won't you then? I-I'll kiss back..."
Blaine swallows the lump in his throat. "I'm drunk. I can't."
Kurt glares at him, "You're so not that drunk! You had like, what, your water bottle and then a few sips of that drink Santana gave you? And it's been like an hour now. And you're not slurring your words, neither am I, so we're almost totally sober."
"The water bottle was actually, um, apple juice," Blaine says sheepish.
Kurt stares up at the ceiling, and now it's Blaine's turn to stare at the beautiful boy next to him.
"Wow, Blaine, I... Okay. Take your time. You're a pretty interesting friend, if I do say so."
He turns his head again to stare at Blaine, and they both smile, glancing at each others lips then laughing lightly.
It'll happen soon, Blaine thinks. In fact, he knows this, because he'll make it happen. Of course, unless Kurt does first.
Just in case, Blaine sleeps with his face turned towards Kurt the whole night, and in the morning, he's surprised to find himself scrunched up next to Kurt's back.
He takes a second to let everything from last night seep in and then smiles. Him and Kurt are still good.
When he turns to move off the bed, he hears Kurt make an innocent waking-up sigh, and it just about breaks his heart.
If he were to ask him out already and ignore the fear that he could mess up their friendship and relationship, then he could potentially hear that sigh every time they take a nap together.
Last night wasn't a complete success, but I'm strangely okay with that.
I got to kiss Sam during spin-the-bottle, and damn that boy has nice lips. But he's still Quinn's, and he's definitely not a cheater, so that's that. Annoying.
And even Brit and I didn't hook-up, but again, strangely, I'm okay with that.
She said that she loves Artie, and for the first time, my feelings are now completely clarified.
I am in love with Brittany S. Pierce.
And even though I'm compromising my own happiness so that geek in the wheel-chair can have what I want, he makes Brit happy, so I can't take that away.
So, before I completely change my mind and destroy that relationship, today I'm just going to be nice.
'Cuz Santana has more than two sides, bitches.
That's why we is all going to Breadstix for breakfast.
But Puck is paying for all of us, because he hooked up with Lauren Zizes on MY BED. And since I am never touching that boy again, he can just take all his friends out for an expensive breakfast to make up for it.
It's taking an eternity to get the bill all sorted out, because everybody got so many damn coffee refills, but most of everyone seems okay with the wait.
I think Sam and Quinn will break up within the next day, so that's something to look forward to.
Hobbit had to go home early, because she kept puking, and I was so not about to clean up after her, so she's not here, and that's wonderful.
And then there's another interesting couple sitting in the corner--Well, I guess they're not a couple couple, but just remember, Santana has not finished what she's started.
Doll-face is looking ever-so sleepy, and it's the first time that I realize he's actually quite cute, you know, if I was into girly-boys.
And then there's that man-hobbit, or Blaine, if you're nice, and I'm just about to puke at the way he's staring at Kurt.
Or maybe not.
Maybe, since today is nice Santana day, just maybe they would look cute together.
Blaine is banging his fork and spoon on the table, pretending to play drums, and Kurt is laughing, quickly shooing Blaine's hands away to make him stop.
Ugh. They just make me want to vomit rainbows, and that's so not cool.
But before we all get up to leave, I notice that man-hobbit tips the plastic ketchup bottle on the table and spins it, forcing it to land on Kurt.
Kurt eyebrows the bottle and then eyebrows the smirking man-hobbit.
But no way will man-hobbit's eyebrows of doom take no for an answer, so when Kurt stands up to get away from him, man-hobbit just bear hugs him, pretty much.
It's sick.
Everyone is so sweet, and I still can't find anyone.
But last night was a good night, so maybe this needs to happen again next weekend.
Or I could at least busy myself by making sure man-hobbit and doll-face get together until Sam has enough sense to dump Fabray, or Brit and Artie split.
...Am I seriously going to wait for all this to just happen on its own?
Yeah, right, bitches.