Title: Only look at me Pairing: KYUWOOK(main, eventual), MinWook, Kyumin(minor) Ratings: PG-15 maybe? overall PG-13 Summary: Ryeowook finds himself in a love tri angle with his best friend and a secret crush.
Whoa. Sungmin. Ryeowook. Ryeowook, omg, this might be a really bad idea when it all blows over (Kyu finding out that its fake) and then Sungmin will be sad. Haha.
I really liked this.
"I know you like me." Ryeowook said, going straight to the point. Sungmin made a face before nodding.
"I don't like you...I love you, but yes." He said, now waiting for the younger male's reaction.
"I know Kyuhyun loves you." Sungmin smiled sadly at that, but he couldn't argue. He knew.
"I want you to date him."
Lol. Totally unexpected and all. Haha. good job Ryeowook. Ryeowook totally broke the romantic atmosphere between them two.
And this was like whoa.
He knew that Kibum watched porn whenever he got the chance...
Haha. So not the image I had for Kibum. Haha. What did you do to Kibum. jk jk. My Kibum was a bit more sentimental and like feeling and possibly secretly emo but haha, this is interested. Perverted Kibum?
Lol yeah. I actually like Minwook, but I err Sungmin is not my fav:D But yeah Sungmin will be sad, tsk tsk. Actually all three of them will be heart broken at some point. That's how love tri-angle works DDD:
You did? O.O me not. It's a fail written by a sleep deprived Hendrika, who planned to go to sleep, but started writing this instead.
Yup he did... Gah have to stop, or I'll go all talking and wondering about my own fic-.-
LOL, well he is just too perfect isn't he...AGREE. Like Siwon..they're hiding something. Suspicious. But other than that I don't really imagine Kibum as someone who watches porn either, or reads. OH YEAH me likey him emo and wierd, I wonder why, I wonder because of who, well certainly NOT because of YOU xD
I finally got the opportunity to use the computer long enough and the first thing i saw on the kyuwook comm was this AND YOU ARE SO AWESOME because i totally loved the way you wrote this AND OF COURSE YOU HAVE TO CONTINUE IT BECAUSE I NEED MY KYUWOOK! >.< Hehehe.
OMG WOW(first reaction to your comment), where was your comp then? I AM NOT, you are yesyes xD have to stop before start spazzing about your AMAZING fic xD (wonder where I got inspired by a EVIL Sungmin)
But thank you, glad you liked:D I WILL, sometime. There will be some heartbrakes thou(or that's what I think) but I assure a happy kyuwook to you in the end:D
Hahaha I use the ones in school to post my parents don't really let me use the computer at home much D': LOL MY FIC IS NOT AMAZING I HAVE LIKE BAD WRITING SKILLS. Hahaha ikr Sungmin is eviiiillllll xD
And don't worry abt the heartbreaks, I enjoy angsty fics once in a while (x Except of course they must have a happy ending hehhe ^^ esp for my two adorable magnaes <333
Comments 29
I really liked this.
"I know you like me." Ryeowook said, going straight to the point. Sungmin made a face before nodding.
"I don't like you...I love you, but yes." He said, now waiting for the younger male's reaction.
"I know Kyuhyun loves you." Sungmin smiled sadly at that, but he couldn't argue. He knew.
"I want you to date him."
Lol. Totally unexpected and all. Haha. good job Ryeowook. Ryeowook totally broke the romantic atmosphere between them two.
And this was like whoa.
He knew that Kibum watched porn whenever he got the chance...
Haha. So not the image I had for Kibum. Haha. What did you do to Kibum. jk jk. My Kibum was a bit more sentimental and like feeling and possibly secretly emo but haha, this is interested. Perverted Kibum?
Lol yeah. I actually like Minwook, but I err Sungmin is not my fav:D But yeah Sungmin will be sad, tsk tsk. Actually all three of them will be heart broken at some point. That's how love tri-angle works DDD:
You did? O.O me not. It's a fail written by a sleep deprived Hendrika, who planned to go to sleep, but started writing this instead.
Yup he did... Gah have to stop, or I'll go all talking and wondering about my own fic-.-
LOL, well he is just too perfect isn't he...AGREE. Like Siwon..they're hiding something. Suspicious. But other than that I don't really imagine Kibum as someone who watches porn either, or reads. OH YEAH me likey him emo and wierd, I wonder why, I wonder because of who, well certainly NOT because of YOU xD
Me loves you.
(btw did you see this????? *.* http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/1053/cnb02.jpg )
Interesting triangle love LOL
And surprisingly wook's here is very calm hahah.
But wook,your decision might hurt kyu..
Haha, yeah it pretty interesting... I actually condsidered making it KRY, but clingy Yesung would be wierd to write:D lol
Aish yea D:
Thanks for reading!!!
Yeah, too kind actually-.- But yup, yesyes that's why we love him xD
Thank you~~ soon..yeah I shall try...:D
AND YOU ARE SO AWESOME because i totally loved the way you wrote this
I AM NOT, you are yesyes xD have to stop before start spazzing about your AMAZING fic xD (wonder where I got inspired by a EVIL Sungmin)
But thank you, glad you liked:D
I WILL, sometime. There will be some heartbrakes thou(or that's what I think) but I assure a happy kyuwook to you in the end:D
And don't worry abt the heartbreaks, I enjoy angsty fics once in a while (x Except of course they must have a happy ending hehhe ^^ esp for my two adorable magnaes <333
Thanks for reading!!!!!!
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