So. I don't really have much to say today, so expect random ramblings.
We're currently discussing our upcoming "Charity Event" which I have no idea about. Apparently everyone has assign a Treasurer, a Secretary etc =/ I have no idea how they're organising it, but from what I can tell, there's going to be a "Christmas Fair" but no one's decided exactly what that's going to be yet.
The new teacher, Erica, isn't too bad. She doesn't seem to mind me listening to my mp3 player and obviously typing over her talking, though she can't actually see me. *hides behind monitor*
Too many songs on my mp3 player make me sad :( Starsailor's Way to Fall, Nancy Sinatra's Bang Bang, FFX OST's Suteki da ne, Gorillaz' Man Experiment and sad FF7 Piano songs:{