
complaints to things that have annoyed me in the last 48hr

Sep 18, 2013 12:29

1. Layout Job changed printers on the day we were going to press. I've only spent a month doing this job to the specific specs of the printer we were going to use. So far: 4 extra hours of work and we haven't even gone into preflight yet ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

coendou September 18 2013, 19:37:22 UTC
You are the second person on my internets today to mention the Target space pants, though the first found both space pants and space cat pants. I wish I'd heard about this BEFORE I went to target this morning.


hep September 18 2013, 19:56:05 UTC
i had to get home and hide them before yuriy got home or he will give me The Look. I already have 8 pair in diff galaxy prints. HE JUST BOUGHT ANOTHER REEL THO SO HE CAN SHUT HIS EYEHOLES!


nullcherri September 18 2013, 23:39:37 UTC


abattoir_blue September 19 2013, 01:03:17 UTC

I hope your kidney cuts the bullshit and stops hurting you soon <3


gutbloom September 19 2013, 01:51:10 UTC
I have had so many kidney stones my urologist calls me the "sandman". I take ibuprofen when I feel an attack coming on. Lots of ibuprofen. Good luck.


wring September 19 2013, 02:15:26 UTC
omg i need to go to Target.

omg are you gonna see a dr for your kidney stone???


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