Meme - Guess The Ship!

Dec 20, 2010 21:30

I found this original meme made by keltenaasule on fandom_memes, also here on her journal.

Here's how it goes:

1. Think of up to 20 ships (pairings) you support.
2. List them using descriptions of the characters involved rather than their names.
3. Have your f-list guess as many of the ships as they can.

Hint: These include ships from movies, books, television shows, comic books, and real person slash.

Some of these will be extremely easy for my friends to guess, some will be more difficult, one will be damn near impossible.

1. That Guy Who Sings And Acts & That Guy Who Plays The Drums - Jared/Shannon of 30 Seconds To Mars, as spotted by luzestrellera!
2. That Guy Who Diverts The Mission & That Guy Who Wants To Kick His Ass For It
3. That Kid Who Is Too Cute To Be Straight & That Kid Who Only Exists To Be His Mentor And Love Interest
4. That Guy Who Wants To Rule The World & That Guy Who Dies First - Alexander/Hephaistion of Alexander, as spotted by luzestrellera!
5. That Guy With The Pinwheel & The Guy With The Poker Chip - Fischer/Eames of Inception, as spotted by johanirae!
6. That Guy With The Mask & That Other Guy With The Mask - Wayne/Crane aka Batman/Scarecrow of Batman Begins, as spotted by johanirae!
7. That Guy With The Sword & That Guy With The Bow - Aragorn/Legolas of The Lord Of The Rings, as spotted by luzestrellera!
8. That Guy With The Narration & That Girl With A Guy's Name
9. That Girl With The Magic Powers & That Guy Who Loses His Eye - Willow/Xander of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, as spotted by myths_by_kynx!
10. That Guy Who Is A Captain & That Guy Who Loses His Heart - Captain Jack Sparrow/Will Turner of Pirates of the Caribbean, as spotted by myths_by_kynx!
11. That Girl With The Lightning & That Girl With The Love
12. That Guy With The Joke Shop & That Guy Who Is Tragically Murdered By The Author - George/Fred of Harry Potter, as spotted by apatheia_jane!
13. That Guy With The Laser Vision & That Guy With The Claws - Cyclops/Wolverine aka Scott/Logan of X-Men, as spotted by jun_yumemakura!
14. That Idiot With The Map & That Idiot With The Plans
15. That Guy With The Sister & That Guy Who Gets Stabbed
16. That Guy With The Blue Eyes & That Other Guy With The Blue Eyes
17. That Kid With The Magic & That Kid With The Shape-Shifting
18. That Person Who Is Looking For The Phantom Lady & That Guy Who Is A Police Officer
19. That Guy With The Very Dark Appointment With Destiny & That Girl With The Very Unique Map
20. That Guy With The Computer Skills & That Guy With The Sniper Rifle

In other news, this entry is coming from my new Netbook, because of course I can't survive a few days sans computer.
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