Title: Leaving Vegas (1/1) Pairing: Lightman/Foster Rating: PG-13 Summary: Of course Gillian was angry. That had been his plan, hadn’t it? ( Coping with )
Deliberately being a bastard to push Gillian away was the most charitable reason I could come up with for Cal's behavior in that episode. lol. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
I'm American. And totally flattered that a Brit approves of my take on Cal's voice. I love writing him, and am really happy that I'm able to make him sound authentic. Thank you so much for the compliment.
Loved this!! I saw you posted another story so I was half expecting them to join the mile high club when I started reading This was a surprise! But, a very nice one. Cornering her in an airplane bathroom like that seems like something Cal would do, lol. I just noticed that you use the 'dilated pupils' thing, which is slowly turning into a cliche in this fandom if you ask me. Call me anal, but I just noticed it. You always seem to work it into the story nicely, though
( ... )
Thank you...I'm really glad you enjoyed the story. And LOL @ "the mile high club"...I definitely tend toward the erotic, but there was no way Cal was getting lucky after the crap he pulled. :)
You're right that dilated pupils comes up a lot in LTM fics...hard to avoid it, really, when the characters would notice stuff like that. And I'd like to think that when Cal and Gillian look at one another, arousal would be a natural result. lol.
Yeah, Fold Equity is easily my least favorite episode of the season. The "out-of-order" thing made it even worse, for sure. But I actually have to agree with you that there's something appealing about the idea of Gillian/Ben. Like you said, in a NSA kind of way.
This is wonderful. You have Cal's voice so spot on - I second tempertemper77's comments on that! I'm glad that you didn't write Gillian just giving in to him because he did hurt her deeply and that needs to be dealt with. The show didn't bother to explain all these reasons but I like to think that this is why he behaved the way he did in Vegas.
Thanks so much--for the comment about Cal's voice, especially. Yeah, I couldn't let Gillian forgive him immediately--no matter how sweet she is, it wouldn't be realistic if she weren't pretty damn pissed off. lol. And yes, this is my official explanation for his behavior...it's the only one that's palatable to me.
Comments 44
Are you British? Because you have the best Cal voice I've read anywhere. I am British and he never sounds anything less than perfect in your fic :)
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I'm American. And totally flattered that a Brit approves of my take on Cal's voice. I love writing him, and am really happy that I'm able to make him sound authentic. Thank you so much for the compliment.
You're right that dilated pupils comes up a lot in LTM fics...hard to avoid it, really, when the characters would notice stuff like that. And I'd like to think that when Cal and Gillian look at one another, arousal would be a natural result. lol.
Yeah, Fold Equity is easily my least favorite episode of the season. The "out-of-order" thing made it even worse, for sure. But I actually have to agree with you that there's something appealing about the idea of Gillian/Ben. Like you said, in a NSA kind of way.
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