Feb 13, 2007 10:11
Well, Kevin Rudd is looking good to take out the title at the next Federal Election, but polls are a load of shit. Polls are something you can lie in because you're angry at the time. Going to the election booth is a whole different story. That shit is binding.
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Comments 5
In terms of polls, yes, that 'shit ain't binding' and they aren't always accurate, however they can be a good indicator at times. I think they are being too favourable to Rudd right now, if an election were held today, the conservative Australian population would re-think how they answered in such a poll, but it's a better sign for Rudd than the last few 'leaders'.
I'd be interested to compare figures of the polls taken before the last election with Latham at the helm to the current polls. Latham's polls were also quite favourable at a time. And we saw that result, didn't we? Oh course, I'm hoping for a different result and Rudd really is doing well. It helps that Howard is making mistakes... but maybe it's a case of all the shit starting to finally stick?
http://www.ozpolitics.info/blog/ :)
Did you see him on the 7.30 Report last night? Ooooo he was so fidgety!!
Rudd has got a really strong image building up, I just hope he doesn't run out of steam before the election. It's still very early days. But I'm very very hopeful!!! Like Jay mentioned, Latham was strong in the polls too in his day and managed to absolutely screw things up.
Does anyone get the feeling that more and more of the general public are just sick of the whole "war on terror" bullshit? The climate has changed, and people don't seem as scared as they were at the time of the last election. If Howard doesn't have that fear, what has he got?
(I'll be in Japan for the election, but will definitely be voting at the embassy!!)
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