Friday I saw Jacob and it was absolutely amazing. We revved up the sarcasm and were super silly with each other. We said all the things we'd been thinking& told what was really going on. And we were genuinely happy, for the first time in a long time.
Later that night I hung out at Jared's with the kids. Included race cars, nine ball, and comic strips.
Saturday morning I walked home and slept late into the afternoon. I went out with my mom and we managed to get two flat tires, one after the other. Jared rescued us the first time, and the second time we just parked the car & got a ride back to the house. We took my car and went shopping for lots of the things we needed, like cute shoes and new jeans. Afterwards I hung out with the kids, and later made a trip to Colerain to spend the night with my favorite girls.
Sunday I went to church with mom. We went to Frisch's for lunch with Pam and were silly girls. My mom brought up my father and I started crying. I realized how much it bothers me; I hadn't talked to him since Christmas. Made a trip to the art store. Hung out with Jared.
I can't remember what I did Monday besides school, so I'm guessing it wasn't very important.
Tuesday I got guilted into going to this Youth Government thing for all the kids in my AP Govt class that had volunteered and bailed the morning of. Seriously sucked, and I have to go Tuesday&Wednesday of next week. Jared and I changed my mom's tire(okay-so he changed, I watched). My dad called for my brother and talked to me when my mom sarcastically told him that both of his children were home. He called me baby doll & asked me how school and work were. Trav called me up and we hung out and saw a movie. I decided I'm going to run the Flying Pig 10k.
And today, it's a nice day and my only goal of the day is to run, finish case briefs, & play with my new stamp set.