Name: Bri
Nationality: a bunch os sheeit
Zodiac: Cancer
Live In: Rocherstaaa
+ + GOT FAVS? + +
Drink: Water/Dr.Pepper
Food: Anything...heh
Candy: gummi bears
Ice Cream: Rocky Road
Show(s): Talk Sex with Sue Johanson<---funny shit, Saved By The Bell of course, and Old Saturday Night stufff
Bands: Cat Power, Bright Eyes, Ac/Dc, Oasis, and a bunch of other shit
How many pringles can you fit in your mouth?: Probably a lot, but i've never tired.
Subject @ school: Does Art count?
Teacher: Fuck teachers
Song you're listening to: Somebody to Love by Queen
Show you're watching: Will and Grace is on...but i'm not watching it
Clothes you are wearing: pjs and a sweater
Thoughts: I'm tired, and i gottta take a piss
Money in your wallet: In my pocket...and that would be a dolla
Feeling: I'm hurt.............hurt bitch!
Moody: as a matter of fact, i am
Happy: Fuck that
Suicidal: I wanna jump off a rbidge at the moment
Normal: I am not normal
Hyper: Yes and No...
Talkative: I always am
Pimp/Pimptress: Hell yaww
Smart: Hahahahahahaahahaha no
Drug/Alcohol Expert: I wouldn't say so
Alcoholic: nope
Druggie: no
Caring: Of course!
Lovable: I love people, but people don't love me
Interesting: How the sky is pink over here, and at someone else's hizzle is black out, whoooa.
Good Looking: Good god no.
Bitchy: When am i not bitchy ahah
Nice: Depends...to many people ahve been fucking with me though...so not really
Mean: To people that piss me the fuck off
Arrogant: Naaaaay
Clean: That i am, i took a shower...about 3 or 4 hours ago thank you
Perfectionist: Deffiently not
Jealous: At times
+ + WHICH ONE? + +
Ice Cream or Banana Split: Banana spilt babay
Snickers or Butterfinger: FUCK their both so yummy, but i think snickers
TV Shows or Movies: Movies I suppose
Rock or Hip Hop: Rock, but some hip-hop has me get my groove oooon
Computer or TV: Computer
Telephone or Cellphone: neither, i hate phones
Hot or Cold: Hooooot
Lights On of Off: I like 'em off ;]
Gay or Les: Uh....next question
Spoon or Fork: It reallt depends on what i'm eating
Straw or No Straw: No straw
+ + FRIENDS + +
Are your friends true? Most of them
Who are your best friends?: Em, Jess, Manada, Chels & Jeanna
Are you there for a friend when they need help?: Yeeeeep
Do you put your friend(s) before your boyfriend/girlfriend?: I treat everyone equally.
Would you ever take your bestfriends boyfriend/girlfriend just for attention?: NO, I'm not that much of a fucker
Who gives you the best advice?: Nobody really.
Who do you run to when the world shuts down on you?: Myself
Are there friends you regret ever being friend(s) with?: Not really
Are your friend(s) careful on what they do?: Not all the time, but hah that's okay with me
Do you consider your friend(s) "family"?: Most of 'em
What's the most memorable moment with your friend(s)?: So many...
What do you hate about friend(s): They're cooler and prettier than I am
If there was one thing you could change about your friend(s)?: uhh...
Would you take a bullet for your friend(s)?: I think so, yes
If there is one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?: Get all this fat off my damn body!
Do you believe in breast implants, or any other surgical procedures?: Sure go ahead it's fine with me
Have you ever regretted anything?: Hell yeah I have
Does nationality matter?: Not to me
Does sexuality matter?: Not to me
If you were stranded on an island, pick 3 items that you would have with you: All my homies, A huge as yacht so our asses wouldn't actually be stranded... and some unlimited slurpee-age
What do you want to become in the future?: Whatever makes me happy
What kind of dreams do you often have?: *shrugs* a lot
Two words that best describe you: stupid beeeotch
What pisses you off the most: When people are fake
What can make your day?: Someone saying they love me, or lots of other stuff
Favorite piece of clothing: I hate clothes, i think we should all be naked!
What body part do I like most about myself: my eyes i guuuuess
Best place to be kissed: On the body? Or like... an actual place? Weeeell, if it's a place then somewhere un expected and if on the boyd...well :]
If you could trade lives w/ anybody or anything for one day, who or what and why?: I rather be dead...heh
+ + IN THAT LAST 24 HOURS.. + +
[Cried]: Uhh..i got a bit teary today, because...of...something...
[Bought something] i bought wataaaa at lunch
[Eaten]: yeeep, chips fuckas
[Felt stupid] YESSSS
[Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't] CHYEAH
[Met someone new] Not in the past 24 hours, but i have met someone newww
[Talked to someone you have a crush on] Yeah...heh
[Had a serious talk] Hmmm no
[Missed someone] Uh huh :[
[Hugged someone] EVERYBODY
[Dreamed about someone you can't be with] Yeeeeep
+ + DO YOU.. + +
[smoke] Casually
[drink] casually...
[have sex] I haven't
[have a boyfriend/girlfriend] Nope
[play an instrument] Nooope, bur Core's gonna teach me to play guitar
[remember your first love] Oh sure
[like the taste of alcohol] Some
[have any pets] Yeah
[wear hats] Nope
[have an obsession] Not really
[have a secret crush? Who?] if it's a secret...why would i say who?
[like your handwriting] No it sucks
[have any bad habits] When i get mad/nervous i bite my lip, and they get all ewie and they hurt...it's not the best thing to do.
+ + CURRENT + +
[book] This book in english i have to read, i forgot the name
[music] Mazzy Star
[taste] pop
[annoyance] How long this turned out to be
[food] Nothing
[refreshment] pop damnit!
[worry] if everythings gonna be okay...-sigh-
[favorite celebrity] assfinkter(i think thats how its spelled) says what?
[you instant messaged] Josh, yelling...tehe
[who broke your heart] No comment
[looked at] the computer screen
[you called] No one
Considered a life of crime? Uhh...
Considered being a hooker? So far, no
Habla espanol? Si!
Current Mood: tired of this shit
Current Taste: pop?
Current Hair: messy, and up
Current Smell: Vanilla
Current Refreshment: Wata noow
Sweet or sour? Both
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? DR.PEPPER!!!!!
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? comdey and horror
Cats or dogs? I like 'em both
Ocean or Pool? Ocean
Vanilla or Chocolate? Both
Gloves or mittens? mittens
Fly or breathe under water? That's a toughy...FLY
Bunk-bed or waterbed? Water bed
Motor boat or sailboat? Uh...Uh...
Chicken or fish? *gags* i don't like a lot of meat really
+ + FRIENDS + +
Caring: Always
Athletic: Some of them
Slowest reacting: Emily
Fastest reacting: Not I
Who have you known the longest? Tayler
Who knows the most about you? Probably Emily and Jessica
Who can cheer you up? Most of my friends can
Who do you talk to most on the phone with? If I ever pick it up, Emily
Who do you go to the movies the most with? I haven't been to the movies in awhile
Who do you talk to the most in school? Everyone that talks to me
Who comes to your house the most? Em
+ + DO YOU WANT + +
To become famous? It could be fun
To get married? Maybe
To work at a fast food restaurant? If I have to
To go to Harvard? No
Never get married? Couldn't really tell you right now
To become an athlete? Not professionally or anything
To have the most kids? Just two at the most, nobody likes a loose vagina
To become a rockstar? If I could, sure why not
To become a model? You're kidding... Sure, if I wasn't me
To skydive? God noooo
To become an astronaut? I'd do that
To be on Survivor? Tsh, no
To become a Billionaire? I'd like that
To not go to Prom? No, I'm gonna go i think
To break the rules? Only if they don't really make sense
Follow the rules? Important ones
+ + JUST STUFF + +
Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: Not really...well kinda, yes...
Ever Liked a Close Guy Friend: Once or twice
Are You Lonely Right Now: YEESSSS
Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: I don't worry about it
Do You Want To Get Married: you asked me that, I think
Do You Want Kids: One or two
+ + THIS OR THAT? + +
Me/You : We
Coke/pepsi : Coke
Day/night : night
CD/cassette : CD
Jeans/khakis : Levi's
Lunch/dinner : Dinner
Silver/Gold : Silver
Alcohol/Weed : Alcohol
Nike/Adidas : Adidas i guess, i don't know i don't really care. Shoe's are shoe's