
Nov 24, 2004 10:59

You Are a Little Scary

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Comments 5

emophobe77 November 24 2004, 11:29:34 UTC
yeah like when i was fourteen and you used to threaten to come into my room at night and pee on my face while i was asleep... shit man that was horrifying!! ;) <3 love ya bitch feel better soon!


heragain November 24 2004, 14:50:39 UTC
HA!! thank you! that just made my day.

i remember that one night kacie and i put all this hand soap in your hair, then ran away. or when we stole your computer and tried to say dirty things to whichever old hag you were talking to. i miss those days...


emophobe77 November 24 2004, 16:06:57 UTC
yeahit wasnt hand soap grl it was totally way worse it was shaving cream!!! I remember that too you were even climbing over the top of the shower wall to spray me!! IT WAS TRAUMATIC!!!! ;)
U were completely ridiculous then and of course still are.. We have got to get together to practice some ridiculousness soon!

[But still i'll never forget the little german girl CLIMBING THE WALLS and sitting like... in the roof laffing.]


emophobe77 November 24 2004, 16:07:32 UTC
... or you and kacie and anna tickling me until i was laughing so hard i couldn't breathe! <33


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