I suppose now is a good time to update, while Brandon is playing Halo 2 with my dad and the rest of my family is off doing their own thing.
It seems like alot has happened recently, which I often feel when updating this journal. It feels like so much goes on, but whenever I sit down to actually write here, nothing ever comes to mind, and that that does I often don't want to get into here. Ohh well.
Let's see. Ah yes, my darn foot. Well, it turns out that the bone structure of my foot is sound. So that most likely means that the source of my pain stems from a badly inflamed muscle. I suppose that's better than an extra bone, but it still sucks. When a bone could be removed through surgery, I have to live with this stinkin' muscle for the rest of my life. Hopefully this is a one time thing, or else that physical therapy can quell it's need to rebel from the rest of my body. What's really sucking about this pain in my foot, which I think I covered earlier in here, is that it's causing my legs to be so soar and in pain. I'm trying to stretch my legs every morning, but I guess I'm either not stretching for long enough, or I've done enough damage already to make it so that stretching will only help so much at this point. I guess all that I can really do at this point is stay off my legs as much as possible (not going to happen, I'm sorry to say), take care of my foot as much as I can, and follow all available medical advice.
I'd love to get 'Get Well' cards, since they always make me feel somewhat physically better! This, by the way, is not a hint. It's an order.
("Yes Sir!") Brandon's and my anniversary was last Wednesday. It's amazing that it's been three whole years. That's longer than some couples are together before they get married. During these three years I've grown so much as a person and improved so much in uncountable ways- both of which I can thank Brandon largely for. He's so wonderful to me, and I'm looking forward to our future together so much.
On Wednesday morning, while at work, Brandon called me and sang me a 'Happy Anniversary' song. It contained the lyrics "Happy Anniversary" and was sung to the tune of an old Western, or what I thought was a race track song. It was lovely, and it made me smile and laugh.
After I was done with my classes, and before Brandon was done with his, I went on my "Seekret Anaver Serie Mishin" (which I just made up a name for). Nelson, Brandon's nice roommate, let me into their room, and I hid/left origami hearts that I had made earlier around his room. In each of them I wrote a reason why I loved him, from 'You improve me' to 'How you pee forever'. It was fun, and I made like a million. After Brandon came back from classes and found them, we went off to Crossgates Land. There, Brandon tricked me into leaving the Hallmark store we were in and bought me a card and then wrote a short note in it while I kept my eyes closed (which I really really did for most of the time). It was so sweet and nice. I keep re-reading it.
After buying most of my dad's birthday gifts (which was today), we went on to Pizzeria Uno, which we both love. Brandon had decided earlier that we should "starve" ourselves the whole day so that we could get even more of the delicious food that we adore. While I had eaten an apple that morning, and Brandon had had a donut, we were both super hungery by the time we sat down. We were sat down at one of those dumb tables on the side, which are open to the hallway and everyone who passes, but it was fine. Especially as you get to see all of the babies in the hall when you're eating!! And, anyways, we're used to it. We ended up ordering two appetizers (Onion petals (suprisingly yummy!) and delicious Tuskenie bread (YUMYUMUYUM!!)), our own pizzas which we both shared, and FINALLY, a dessert. We never ever get a dessert, because we're always too full by the time we'd order one, which why we decided not to eat anything the whole day before hand. Their desserts there always looked so yummylicios, and we finally got to order one. We/I decided on a big chocolate chip cookie with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream on top that's "made for sharing". Before we even got it we were stuffed, but we had to order it, because that was the day we had decided that we had to. Plus, all of that prepertion of not eating- come on. So we got this large cookie, which, thankfully, ended up not being so thick as we thought it would be. It was indeed yummy, and I'm glad we finally did it.
Brandon paid for dinner, and we then went to EB Games across from Pizzeria Uno. We checked out some games, bought my dad a Halo 2 guide book, and I got Brandon Harvest Moon: It's a Wonderful Life as an anniversary present. Man that game is cute.
I bet everyone found that overview of our anniversary extraordianrily exciting!
Let's see, let's see. Well, Photography is turning out to suck, which is so disappointing. The "teacher" has absolutly no respect for film photography, film photographers, or the students' work (in that he teaches us poor methods that will lead to our film not lasting a year, which he announces when he shows us his shitty methods, because we won't even care about our film in a year because film photography is going straight to Hell and we'll all be converted to digital photography. And then we'll all take a shit on negatives and enlargers, because film photography sucks.). The equipment also really stinks. And boy, was I pissed after that class, to say the least. I guess, while I'm still disappointed, I've realized that there are ways around my dumb teacher and around some of the equipment. I am dedicated to my art enough to go beyond to assure that my film doesn't turn to shit and that my photos turn out well, and I'm willing to go the extra length to make sure that my tightass professor doesn't ruin my favorite hobby.
Thursday was my first time going to my Social Welfare in the U.S. class. I was a little worried that the teacher would be pompous, because he didn't reply to my email concerning missing the first class, and the fact that he wrote a book that he required us to buy for the course. Boy did I have a guilt trip when I finally met him. The first thing that I noticed was that he was sitting in a wheelchair. Next, that there were two large speakers to his right and left and a microphone sitting in front of him. Then after, that he had little control over his hands and head. When he talks, it's basically a low pitch mumble that you can make a few words out of. What takes you and me 3 seconds to say, takes him an entire minute. He also has his wife act as a translator for the class, who can make out what he says about 65% of the time. Some situations are awkward, like when someone in the class gets done saying something in front of the group during a discussion, and we all just sit there, waiting for him to say something while he's working his mouth, trying to make out his reply. Everyone just kind of stares at the person who just said something, and then the professor, and then the person again, until he says something after a couple minutes. It's also quite hard to tell who he's pointing to to talk, which is a little confusing, especially since I sat in the back row, and he could have been pointing at either me or about 8 other people in my direction. It's really amazing though that this man is a professor, and I think it will be a great learning experience taking a class from him. I really do like him alot, and the class is mostly a discussion class among the students, so it really won't be too much of an issue concerning him having to talk alot. I'm also very excited to learn more about this topic, since it is my major and all.
After the class ended, I ended up talking to someone else taking it. He turned out to be a really interesting and nice guy, and he later introduced me to a friend of his who I also liked. I guess they both play D&D, which they invited Brandon and I too. I'm pretty stoked about it, because I think it would be super nerdy fun times. They both also watch anime, which is neato.
Oh, what I would give to live off campus next year. Living on campus next year is basically just going through the motions to please certian people, while the life I want and the person I want to be are both being hindered until I can finally live in an apartment of my own. It's just so silly and pointless. Okay, I see the benefits of living on campus another year. But they are so outweighed by what would be gained by me moving into my own apartment next Fall. Not only would I find life and my time as a young adult more fulfilling, but I would feel more physically, mentally, and spiritually in tune. I'd also gain (I regret to say) some much needed maturity. I realize that I don't know much about living on my own and have been depending on either my parents or Suny for food, utilities, services, and the like. And I feel now is the time that I grow in those ways. I hate just sitting around waiting for the life I want to start. It really is depressing in a way to me. I know there's ways to make the life I want at Suny, but there's only so much I can do.
I feel like I have alot more to say, but Matt's online finally!! To AIM I go!