relationships♥ : love | ♋ : family | ☀ : close friends | ★ : like | ☁ : neutral | ☂ : dislike | ✘ : hate
the boyfriend
❀ BOYFRAANN!! These two are the sappiest people you will ever meet. They lay around holding each other, he has way too many silly nicknames for her, they always take care of each other, they even write each other love letters. Their past has been a little rocky, but now Candy can’t imagine her life without him. He’s become an integral part of her daily life and, judging from the future virus, will probably be a part of her life forever. If you really want to know just how much they’re in love, this
tag explains it all.
♥ | ♋ | ☀
burnthecapitol actual family
❀ MOMMA~ Candy and Melissa have a very close relationship, but there’s this wall with her Candy can’t break down. Candy loves her mother more than anything. She raised her practically alone, after all. But underneath their relationship, there’s a certain level of resentment for her mother for staying with her father. It never intervenes with their closeness, but it does make Candy question her sometimes. As such, there are sides of Candy even Melissa doesn’t know either. All in all, for as close as the two are, they’re still almost worlds apart.
justa_woman PRINCESS BOA
❀ The two cannot coexist without the other. Maybe at one point in time Boa did exist without Candy, but now it's impossible for her to exist without her. Part of this is due to the fact that she's dead and her soul resides within Candy, or entirely because of that. But living with another’s soul within her has affected Candy’s life dramatically without her even realizing it. Candy's very unaware of this presence within her, or the ways it's affected her personality. It's almost like while the two are two very separate entities, they also could not exist without each other. Without the other, they wouldn't be the same person. For now, though, Boa remains a passive part of Candy's life, she's entirely unaware of the woman's existence. But one day, when Boa takes on a more active role in Candy's life, the two will be more like sisters than anything else.
♋ | ☀
abaratian_boa secrets family
❀ This is one of those strange relationships that just sort of happened without them even realizing it. The virus may have forced the two together as family, but Candy’s love and respect for Dexter is what continues that relationship. Dexter has taken on a protective role of Candy since they met. He’s always been there for her when she needs him most, and she’s done all she can to return the favor. The fact that he’s trusted her with his darkest secret, as well, means more to her than anything, and she’d never break that trust. She’s always there for him if he ever needs her, and she knows that he’ll always be there for her if she needs him. He’s one of three people from DDD that she’s told she loves so far as well (Gale being the other). He’s like her father, and she needs him to understand just how important he is to her.
♋ | ★
the_human_thing ELEKTRA NATCHIOS
❀ Elektra is everything Candy needs. Her sister, her best friend, her aunt. She’s all those roles. Another relationship helped by the family virus, it’s their troublemaking personalities that keep them together, though. These two get up to more shenanigans than is probably healthy for them. From harassing the community (and Owen) together to trolling New York’s party scene, these two have done it all. When they’re being less troublesome they take on the role of family caretakers together as well. Their boys are a lot of work and Candy needs Elektra on her side to take care of them. For now the two are a team, but one day there will be a time when they need each other not as a team but as support for each other. And Candy knows that when that day comes, they’ll have each other’s backs through it all.
♋ |☀
namedfortragedy OWEN HARPER
❀In all truth, Owen is probably the person Candy is closest to from DDD excluding Gale. He’s like her older brother, but maybe even closer than that. Candy goes to Owen with things she can’t tell anyone else, even Gale. He was her first friend from the community, and as such she feels a certain closeness to him that she doesn’t get with the others. Sadly, the day he promised her he’d be carefully and not get himself hurt was the day he found out he was going to die in his future timeline. He waited months to tell Candy, which made it harder for her to hear. There were too many emotions with learning that he was going to die, and finding this out has made her cry for the first time in years, and probably one of the only few times she will cry ever. She was angry at this news to, and she has channeled that anger into yelling at the people who could change Owen’s future. But when she realized this anger wasn’t helping anything, she shaped up her act a little more and has decided to be there for Owen anyway he needs. Including breaking into his house (he technically gave her a key) to drink with him and give him time away from his own life. He’s her family, and she’ll do everything she can to protect him and take care of him. He’s also the second person she’s said ‘I love you’ to (Gale being the first), and now she’s glad more than ever that she did because she’d hate for anything to happen to him without him knowing how much he does mean to her.
♋ | ☀
fuckoingoboingo BRUCE BANNER (HULK)
❀ Of all the secrets family, Bruce is the one Candy’s the least closest to. Not because she has any problems with him, actually quite the opposite. Candy’s felt like she has less right to push herself into his life than with any of the others. She didn’t realize that… this was just Bruce in general. Ever since he told her about his past, though, and who he really is she’s understood she was wrong about Bruce not wanting her as a part of his life. And now he’s really not going to get rid of her. Bruce is just as much family as the rest of them, and now he’s going to realize what it means to be Candy’s family. Basically that he’ll never get her out of his life again, even if he wanted to~
♋ | ★
gamma_effect this also includes gale
extended family
❀ SURROGATE MOMMA!! Rita’s Dexter’s dead wife basically. For the family virus Candy was her daughter, meaning she had memories of being raised by Rita, but at that point in Dexter’s life Rita was dead. So Candy also had memories of her ‘mother’ dying. That’s why when Rita showed up on the community, far before her and Dexter even got married, Candy was shocked and confused with her emotions. It was like seeing her mother back from the dead. Candy loves her own momma very much, but Rita’s also been like a mother to her as well. And she knows that Rita loves her like her own child as well. And that Rita’s been through a lot of the same experiences her family has gone through. Candy knows she’s blessed to have two mothers, though, and will always think of Rita as one of her mothers.
♋ | ★
justasdamaged SPIKE
❀ Spike’s weird. His whole life reads like some weird supernatural story because, well, it is. But it fascinates Candy more than anything. Add onto that that Spike is fun to hang around and talk with, and well he’s become a large part of Candy’s life as well now. They’re not as close as they could be yet, but she still feels a lot for him. Enough to be concerned about him when his roommate’s dead rabbit starts moving around the house following people. Spike’s life entertains her sometimes as well.
♋ | ★
BtVS •
rudolphofvamps BRIAN MOSER
❀ NOT!UNCLE! This is Dexter’s biological brother, who Candy sort of views as her uncle since he is her ‘dad’s’ brother. He did come to see her when they were family virused as her uncle, after all. The first time she ever met Brian. After the virus Candy talked with him a few times. He’s got issues. Like more than Dexter. And maybe he’s not the safest either, since Dexter did first warn her not to talk to them when he first joined the community (but she did anyway cause she’s weird like that). But really, Brian’s been nice to her. And he gets her. And she….. vaguely gets him sometimes. He’s family, though. In his own right.
♋ | ★
acrotomophile dexter’s life
❀ Dexter’s foster sister! Candy’s only talked to her a few times, though. She does know that Brian tried to kill her, and clearly this creates some conflict with Candy in that she likes Deb and Brian. Sometimes she’ll stick up for Brian, sometimes Deb. Depends who’s starting it really. But these two could be closer, especially with how Dexter is an important part of Candy’s life.
betterasshole JOEY QUINN
❀ Candy likes him. He’s a good man so far~ He expressed concern about her being 15 and being on the community and how dangerous it could be. Then about her meeting with people from the comm and how dangerous that could be. Then about the fact that she knows Dexter and Quinn is a suspicious man. Candy didn’t tell Quinn she already knows Dexter’s secret, though, just that she trusts Dexter, and the others, and she’ll be just fine. Just the fact that he cares enough about people to express the concern, though, makes her like him.
doesdumbthings friends
❀ Peter’s cool. They’ve had some good conversations about each other’s lives. Especially when he talked about his powers. She thinks that’s the coolest. He’s always been nice to her, though, and she always likes talking with him.
❀ Poor Jack. Dealing with Candy can have its ups and downs, and he learned this the hard way when she took a swing at him after realizing Owen was going to die and no one was helping him ;;; Really she likes Jack. He’s cool and funny and helped her come up with the idea to get a Yorkie and name it Owen, but her emotions have never been easily controlled and he caught the brunt end of them in her fit. When she’s better about Owen, she’ll make her pace with Jack and apologize profusely. Because she does actually like him a lot, and wants him as her friend still and she’s not to proud to apologize.
capt_greatcoat IANTO JONES
❀ Ianto suffered the same fate as Jack, except without the punching. Though he was the one to drag Candy out of Torchwood when she did try to hit Jack. Really, she has nothing against these two. They’ve been nothing but nice and polite to her and she actually likes them a lot. For that she’s sorry that she broke their trust in her rage, and only hopes she didn’t burn too many bridges.
torchwoodteaboy BLAINE ANDERSON
❀ HER FELLOW MULAN LOVER~ This is seriously what they initially bonded over. Blaine’s cool, though. She loves that he’s got Kurt’s back and that he’s so mature for a teenager. He’s always fun but seems to have his act together for the most part. Plus he’s a damn good singer. She likes to hear him sing when he posts himself singing.
c_o_u_r_a_g_e GREED
❀ If he’s a bad guy, Candy doesn’t see it. Maybe a bit… more fierce with his interactions than most people (since he tried to convince her to get a group of guys to beat the shit out of her dad) but otherwise he’s always nice to her. He even offered to donate money to a charity in her name for Christmas when she was upset about not being able to really get good gifts for people. So far, though, he’s been nothing but cool with her, so she likes him. She gets along with everyone unless she’s proven by them to be bad.
❀ Katniss’ little sister~ She’s the most adorable kid ever. They’ve talked a few times since Prim learned she was so close to Gale. And Candy thinks she’s about the most mature kid she’s ever met. She’s a sweet little girl with her heart in the right place. It’s hard not to respect her.
supplanted KURT HUMMEL
❀ One of Dexter’s other kids, Candy and Kurt get along just great. He’s always been a good person and a great singer. He’s had a hard time with his life, especially with Karofsky. Who Candy instantly hated and stuck up for Kurt when she could. Because Kurt is a great guy, and nothing else should matter beyond that.
notasinglelady WILLOW ROSENBERG
❀ These two don’t interact enough, even though they could be the best friends ever. They’re very alike in that they’re two upbeat girls who love just about everything. They agreed to be friends once, and Candy needs to talk to her more. After all, Spike likes her. So Candy knows she’d love being Willow’s friend.
BtVS •
guiltapalooza KAMINA
❀ Otherwise known as ‘that guy that punched Gale in the face once’. Kamina’s like the most awesome person ever, from what Candy’s seen. He’s got the best morals in the world and the spine to back them up. She doesn’t know nearly enough about him, but he offered to worldhop her to Gale’s world when shit went down. He’s really one of the coolest guys she’s met, and should probably hang out with more.
aburningspirit complicated
❀ Complicated all the way around. Katniss is a good girl. Actually, Candy envies her. She’s fierce, brave, nice, kind, beautiful, strong, and everything Candy feels she’s not. No wonder Gale’s in love with her. Katniss was a stress on Gale and Candy’s relationship because Gale was in love with her first. Even though Gale chose Candy, Katniss did kiss Gale. And Candy knows there’s still feelings between them. She has this fear Katniss is going to tell Gale she’s madly in love with him and Gale’s going to run off with her and never look back that she’s convinced is going to come true one day. So Candy doesn’t hate Katniss, but she’s jealous of the other teen and probably won’t ever stop comparing herself to Katniss.
★ | ☂
tributed creepers
❀ He makes her question her sanity. He really does. Candy can’t figure him out and he takes her through loops. She doesn’t follow half their conversations or his train of thought. He’s been weird and creepy in the past, then tried to get in good with her, then lied to her, and finally managed to convince her to come to his world and see him. Not… the best idea. And it probably won’t end well. Dietrich is a grade A creeper, and if she had realized he was the one that made the secret with the dolls and puppets and creeped her out ages ago, she never would have talked to him again. She’s probably going to figure that out now.
☀ | ★ | ☂ | ✘
❀ Candy hasn’t met him yet. Or at least she hasn’t realized she has. Num Dimmisut is Carrion, and Candy actually likes Num. Num’s kind of cool. But when she gets to Abarat she’s going to realize Carrion is someone she should never meet, nor want to. And one day she’s going to realize just how true that really is. Carrion is more of an influence in her life than she’s yet to realize, and without him she probably wouldn’t exist in the capacity she does today. If only he’d stop stalking her…
★ | ☂
cruelty_begs acquaintances
★ | ☁
A:tLA •
emberandash CLAIRE FISHER
★ | ☁
alittlemoonlite JOAN HOLLOWAY
★ | ☁
notastickwoman KAROFSKY
fuckingnarnia NEIL DYLANDY [ anon ]
★ | ☁
lockon2urheart NERO
rose_calamity NUM DIMMISUT
cruelty_begs SHINJI MATOU
failsatmastery SPOCK
nervepinch SUZE SIMON
★ | ☁
suze_querida SYLAR
★ | ☁
intuitivelyapt TOSHIKO SATO
torchwood_tech WINRY ROCKBELL
★ | ☁
hands4healing If I've forgotten you and you think you belong up here anywhere comment and let me know! <3
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