if you don't have plans thursday night, i'm spinning at dividend, a monthly breaks/electro/idm/glitch night at nickie's bbq in lower haight:
d i v i d e n d
thursday, 03.23.2006
nickie's, 460 haight st sf ca
$5 21+
sonic wealth, (read: breakbeat music)
redistributed (read: played at high volume so you can dance to it)
The Company beyond Corporations delivers again, on track to exceed all
estimates with a product designed to keep your interest rates rising
right through tax season. Taking advantage of unprecedentedly awesome
market conditions, all financial returns have been safely stocked away
in FDIC-insured bass-heavy grooves and emerging market melodies,
guaranteed to keep the zero dollar income streams bumping and grinding
for the foreseeable future. It's a fucking party, and we can't stop
loving it.
Here are you March 2006 Executive Consultants, guaranteed to unlock
your core value propositions:
Queen Agnes B (Sister SF) ::: breakbeats.electro
Forest Green (Sister SF // Daly City Records) ::: electro.techno.idm
Jordan (Neurogenesix) ::: idm.machine beats
......... bar tended by chocolate syrup wrestling champion azure
.... door manned by sean doesn'tgiveashit
....... warm inviting atmosphere by the false profit public relations
dividend: the investment we keep on giving
http://www.false-profit.com/dividendhttp://www.tribe.net/div i'll be spinning a mix of idm/industrial/technoid/noise, mostly on the midtempo/downtempo side. should be fun!