Organization Post [OOC]

Oct 19, 2008 02:37

The Narrator:
The Narrator is a ghostly voice who reads the story of the Bard's life aloud in-between wishing ill upon him and generally being a snarky bastard. Much like the Bard himself. The Narrator is NOT audible to everyone, only the most genre-savvy characters should be able to hear him. If you have a question as to whether or not your character can hear the Narrator, post here and we'll figure it out. Generally, those who break the forth wall with any regularity should be able to hear the Narrator.

The Narrator will never directly respond to any other character, he only responds to the Bard.

Going to actually attempt to be organized this time around and chronicle all his memories and whatever here.

Current Memories:
Finstown (2%)
Knucklavee (1%)
Playing/reading music (2%)
Zombie Dance-Off (1%)

Memories Used: 6%

Memories Available: 0%

Total Memories: 6%

red mage

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