James T. Kirk, Pop Star

Oct 14, 2010 03:30

Title: James T. Kirk, Pop Star
Author: herinfiniteeyes
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kirk is an Adam Lambert-esque gay pop star. McCoy is a med student by day, bartender by night.
Inspired by this (old ass) prompt at the st_xi_kink meme: ( here )

nc-17, kirk/mccoy, star trek

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Comments 14

the_sexypancake October 15 2010, 01:56:59 UTC
This was *amazing*! I found this fic by following a link on the kink meme, and let me tell you, you took the prompt, ran with it, then had damn babies with it!! This fic was SOOOO much better than I was expecting, based on the prompt. That, and it TOTALLY begs for a sequel! Please write more. This is a great AU that should be explored more. Also, Adam Lambert-esque Jim Kirk is hooooot.


herinfiniteeyes October 15 2010, 05:46:51 UTC
I'm glad you liked it:) Seriously though, Kirk and Adam Lambert could really just be the same person with all that charisma and dirty smiles! I had this idea banging around in my head for months before I was able to sit down and write it, so I'm glad I finally finished it.

Oh, and there WILL be a sequel. Maybe not so porny, but we'll see what happens.


justpeachy_liv October 16 2010, 02:51:23 UTC
i loved this! punch-in-the-face hot, srsly.
glambert!jim was amazing! he's totally sassy enough to pull it off :D
i hope you write more of this AU because it's great!


secretsolitaire October 25 2010, 13:30:51 UTC
Om nom nom nom. *eats this delicious fic up with a spoon*


herinfiniteeyes October 25 2010, 21:04:50 UTC
Did I mention there's a sequel in the works? ;)

Glad you like it!



imagined_haven October 25 2010, 21:47:43 UTC

Umm, I really can't come up with anything more coherent than that. Nicely done!


herinfiniteeyes October 25 2010, 21:55:40 UTC
So glad you enjoyed it;)

There's totally gonna be a sequel up in the next couple days. Sexgod!Bones is my faaaaavorite :-D


badwolf36 October 27 2010, 23:05:16 UTC
Mmm. This was deliciously hot. I like how comfortable they immediately were with one another and how they just clicked. And then the sex, whoo boy. Very hot. Thanks for sharing!


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