so how cool is this - i deleted this thing months and or years ago, and just on a whim decided to see if lj still had the name available. well, not only was it available, but as you can see, it saved all of my stuff
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We do trust people's common sense and intelligence. The absence of rigid rules and regulations is the principle here. You are free to post in Russian or English. You are free to talk off-topic - we trust your sense of proportion.
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Welcome to the new community learn_rus! Добро пожаловать!
This community is for those who learn Russian and those who want to help those who learn :)
Learners, please post your questions there.
"Teachers", post your challenges for the learners.
We do trust people's common sense and intelligence.
The absence of rigid rules and regulations is the principle here.
You are free to post in Russian or English.
You are free to talk off-topic - we trust your sense of proportion.
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