Three years ago today, I had just arrived in Portland and was in the process of settling into my empty apartment. The vast majority of my things were still in California and wouldn't arrive for another week, and I would be starting my first day of school to work on my pre-reqs in a few days
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So, another year come and gone. And what do I have to show for it? A rather lot, actually, but that's a different post. This one is about the stories I've read, watched, and heard.( Read )
For relative values of "new," I suppose. The first draft was written in 2011.
"The Coffinmaker's Love" had its start at Clarion West. It was the first story that I wrote there, on Week Two, with Nancy Kress instructing. Week One was Paul Park, and he helped us lay groundwork and ran us through exercises, but no all-out story
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