It's a tad, erm... long. So sorry. Got carried away. Please do forgive, as I think it is entertaining. ;)
I must state beforehand that although I've written this third-person, it is a narrative, 'Mione-style (yes, say it like you'd say 'gangsta-styyyle,' with the hand motion... yes, you know you want to), and therefore the opinions I give as the author are completely bias as Hermione would have them. I adore you, Megan! No insult or disdain was intended toward you as Tonks. (!) (P.S. Your observation about the pens in your room had me rolling on the floor. I'm like that too. We're the pen magnets, we are.)
Oh, and yes, I use British spellings. And yes, I use American punctuation rules. British punctuation drives me mad.
Who is your character?
The sharp-minded, heavily quirky and never-to-be-found-bookless Hermione Jane Granger is a muggle-born and an overachiever. She is extremely loyal to her friends and will really stop at nothing but harsh-rule breaking to help them. She usually doesn't need to break the rules, though; she normally finds her way into whatever she wants because teachers love her (the one exception being Professor Snape) and she is a prefect, anyhow. Hermione spends the greater portion of her days learning. If not by way of classes than it's homework or books, books being her favourite thing in the world, calligraphy, writing and running being in close toe.
Though Hermione is growing into a nicely composed young lady, she is confused inwardly. She feels she knows nearly no one outside of Harry, Ron, and Ginny and secretly wishes she could have more friends emotionally. Even her and Luna are extremely distant as Hermione can never honestly connect with someone who spouts in abstracts and un-calculated fragments of ideas. Hermione is not a socialite and will always prefer solidarity to a party or other social gatherings (though she is hardly taciturn), the exception being feasts (it is after all fun, and school-related) and quiddich, which she almost never misses.
Hermione's patronous is an otter. She doesn't understand this but like most other spells she got it right on nearly the first try and it is strong. Hermione is a sixth-year but most of her teachers acknowledge that she is already at a magi-University level with her magic. Most teachers assign her extra homework accordingly. Her weaknesses are mostly internal; she doubts herself and never thinks of herself as cool or very pretty. Hermione's strengths lie in knowledge and fast thinking. She is a whiz at problem-solving and organising, and she is conpassionate and thoughtful. She is a good friend and a commited everything.
Hermione is dying to break the house prejudices but is also proud to be a Gryffindor, EVEN IF Parvati and Lavender are ALSO Gryffindor and treat divination like a religion which makes her want to crawl behind The Standard Book of Spells Grade Six by Miranda Gawdshank and die.
Where does he/she stand in school?
Hermione has been said to be "the brightest/cleverist witch of [her] age." She believes this to be true, or wants it to be, desperately. Hermione is very, very (far too, one may say) committed to her schoolwork. It's not that she's crazy about impressing anyone - though she does like to have the upper hand when it comes to knowledge - but rather it's that she adores learning. Doing homework gives her a comforting thrill and makes her feel in control. It's something she's good at. She can sit down and research, theorise, rationalise, and in the end do something about it that can excel her forward, both academically and personally. One can never learn too much, after all.
Hermione is intrigued by big ideas and deep thinking. She loves everything with solid proof and will research any topic to death if only to make sure she understands it in it's entirety and with absolute concrete certainty. This is most likely why her favourite subject is Arithmancy - a class that takes (loosely) divination and applies geometry and other maths that rationalise everything to numbers and patterns and calculable PROOF.
Miss. Granger is taking all of the N.E.W.T.S.. She was afraid that somewhere in her future she would regret not taking one of them and so decided on all of them. She is also taking Muggle Studies, which is, along with Care of Magical Creatures, one of the only classes she finds boring. And the latter is only boring because she nearly plans the classes for Hagrid and therefore knows everything before it's taught to her.
Where does he/she stand in the war?
Hermione is anti-Volidmort and has no reluctance in saying his name. Perhaps this is because she didn't grow up with the You-Know-Who propaganda spewed at her from her parents or friends or because Harry always calls him by his proper name or, perhaps, it's simply because she has decided he doesn't deserve an ominous title. Hermione isn't involved with the Order of the Phoenix but wants to be. Though it is a secret organisation, she spent much of her last summer and the proceeding one as well at 12 Grimuald Place and was aware of nearly all the comings and goings at the house/Order-headquarters. While not being allowed to attend the meetings, Hermione is still very bright and observant and likes to think she has a good grasp on what went on during her periods of stay there. She wants to help in every way possible. Voldemort is a nasty man who corrupts and hates and she really, really is getting sick of him and his whole war and Death Eaters and everything.
How involved is he/she right now?
Harry Potter is Hermione's best friend in the entire universe. Harry Potter is Lord Voldemort's one sworn enemy. Subsequently, Hermione is quite involved; emotionally, if nothing else. Though she has never participated in any of the "activities" of the order, she keeps in contact with Tonks (even if she is insufferably disorganised) and hopes to one day participate more fully with the Order. She and Professor Lupin are both on the same level, mentally, and she has already considered talking to him about it. He seems the studious and learned type - just what she can relate to - and he was also a Gryffindor.
How involved does he/she WANT to be?
If Hermione could fight, she would. Mrs. Weasley wouldn't hear of it, Harry doesn't want it, and Ron's usually angry. Not angry at this in particular, really, just in general. (Hermione frequently wonders what is UP with him.) She has no intention of being an auror or even a soldier on the battlefield (were it to come to that), though she would if push came to shove. Hermione feels she would be very good in action but behind the scenes, planning and counter-planning, organising and reasoning. Hermione is known for being quick on her toes and has never failed to get her friends out of a tight situation (and some have been astoundingly tight) with her fast thinking and extensive knowledge of, well, everything.
Hermione sees herself one day as the Minister of Magic.
How is his/her family in all of this (muggles excluded)?
(Bugger my rules. Rules are for losers - I made them anyway, and they were, after all, more like guidelines.)
Hermione's parents are both muggles. They are dentists, both brilliant doctors and lecturers and are both unaware of the goings-on of the wizarding world. They do enjoy being involved in Hermione's life in the ways that they can (e.g. going to Gringotts with her, helping buy school supplies, occasionally reading the Daily Prophet) but are overall only aware that Hermione is attending wizarding school and that rumours of the Dark Lord (which they know little about) are all silenced by Arandolf Grévin, the Minister of Magic, and they trust him. Hermione does not want to tell them anything for fear that they'll take her from Hogwarts or do something else equally horrible, such as tell her she can't fight even if she wants to. She does not want to cross them, she's just like that. Sometimes she feels guilty about this but, she rationalises, it's for their own good.
Who are his/her friends/enemies/interests (love- or friendship-wise)?
Hermione's friends are Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and, to a slightly lesser extent, Ginny Weasley. She is also known to spend time with Luna Lovegood and the twins, Fred and George Weasley, though they've left the school now and she sees them sporadically when they decide to visit. To an even lesser extent still, Neville Longbottom is one of her friends and she helps him nearly constantly with his classes and homework. Hermione is developing a mentor-esque relationship with who else? but Pythagara Vector, the Arithmancy professor.
Hermione is also acquainted with Hannah Abbot of Hufflepuff, to whom she lent a stack of books on healing earlier in the semester when the girl expressed interest in the career. Hermione is known to get along finely with Ravenclaw and is, to probably a greater extent than being a friend, an idol to the younger ones. She was nearly put into Ravenclaw House and doesn't forget it.
Hermione is not friends with: ANY SLYTHERIN. Not because she holds prejudices, no, but because not one of that house has ever been nice to her. She used to think it was because she was flawed in some horrific way but now she sees it as just Malfoy's influence over the entire lot of them. Malfoy hates her and she hates him back. Some scars never leave, even if you forgive. She is also at odds with Marietta Edgecombe and Zacharias Smith, both of whom gave her a lot of trouble when she was blatantly breaking the rules for the sake of Harry and the Dumbledore's Army. Hermione never likes breaking the rules. Ever.
One could say that Draco Malfoy (closely followed by Pansy Parkinson) is her enemy, but Hermione doesn't believe in enemies, only separate interests. As this is so, Draco's interests could be classified as on another planet, far, far away from Hermione's globe of logic and humanity.
Interests? Hermione is interested to know the other intellects at the school, especially those that she's not met before. She is interested to know Cho Chang, if for no other reason than to pry into her seventh-year Ravenclaw mind and explore her knowledge.
Ronantically? She thought for a while that Harry was possible boyfriend-material after a powerful dream that she had some weeks ago but has since dismissed the idea with relief, knowing that it is not what she wants. Not actively on the hunt for a boyfriend, in her life, Hermione has considered no one else but Ron and Ron is distant and grumbly and anyhow that was fourth year and Ron was just jealous that she went with Krum and let's not even talk about it....
Ron makes her upset, frequently.