Title: Mine and Yours
Author/Penname: Gillian/
teenage_hustler Pairing/Characters: Hermione/George, Hermione/Ron
faire_weather &
snapestalonSummary: Nine years after the end of the war, Ron and Hermione move to George’s house so that Ron can work in Weasley Wizard Wheezes. As Hermione and George learn more about each other, they find themselves feeling for each other like they’ve felt for nobody else. Now they must figure out who belongs to who.
Rating: Adult (NC17)
Warnings: Adultery/Infidelity (in a major way), Sex Scene (only one that earns the NC-17 rating, but yes, it’s there), and some highly dubious humour.
Word Count: 39,058
(Fic: Mine and Yours)