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Comments 8

k_nightfox February 21 2013, 14:40:55 UTC
Wow! You certainly have your hands full, don't you? It's nice to know you're out there being busy and living a life :D

Like your friend, I am a Buffy virgin as well. I had no time for TV for the early years of Buffy and then it seemed too late (to me) to get into it, so I never did. My bestie is determined to change that someday soon!


Keep on keeping on, Lady!


hermitknut February 21 2013, 16:18:37 UTC
Your bestie has the right idea! :D Buffy is... well, suffice to say I get very squee about it XD. It's totally worth watching through if you ever get the time - seven seasons, and there's not a duff one. :)

Yep, hands very full. Overflowing kind of full. But it's fun! How are you, up to anything interesting?



k_nightfox February 21 2013, 17:09:24 UTC
Nah, not really. Recovering and trying to get myself together enough to go find a job and rejoin the ranks of the gainfully employed. Writing fanfic. Same old same old!


hermitknut February 21 2013, 17:13:03 UTC
Ah, well - best of luck with the job hunt!



meesasometimes February 21 2013, 15:24:16 UTC
:) Nice to hear all about your RL...Lady in Black *squeeeeee*!!!!

I have done the Buffy virgin watch twice, it's quite like taking your children to Disneyworld. So fun to see it thru the eyes of someone else, and speaking of that it was so fun to do that with you and Supernatural so thank you. I'm thinking I never really had individual eps of Buffy that I loved above the others (unlike SPN ) other than I've watched Once...with Feeling more times than is reasonable :P It was always about the story arc for me.

I have a fondness of "I Only Have Eyes For You" (2.19) and "Restless" (4.22)...unpopularly, I have alittle itty bitty thing for Riley :)


hermitknut February 21 2013, 16:21:55 UTC
Oh it's so much fun. And Panda is brilliant, because she responds out loud to everything and gets as overexcited as I do - it's almost more fun watching her watch Buffy than it is to just watch Buffy! XD

I've watched Once More With Feeling a ridiculous number of times, also. Can't help myself. I have the soundtrack :P Interesting, Riley? I like Riley in season four, I just don't have time for him elsewhere - I kind of feel like four is his season and that's the end of it. Though in season four he is a great character :)

It's good to hear from you too! What have you been up to?



heavenli24 February 21 2013, 17:11:18 UTC
Glad to hear you're doing well. I was just wondering the other day if you were still going to continue with the Supernatural reviews. Have you watched any more episodes, even if you haven't been writing reviews ( ... )


hermitknut March 16 2013, 23:16:03 UTC
Ah, see I love Angel more now I've rewatched the series with Panda, but I've always been a Spike/Buffy girl. We're just at the end of season three now, so it'll be interesting to see how she reacts to all the different stuff.

I have watched about three more episodes than I have posted reviews, but I haven't the time to type them up at the moment. I probably will when I dig them out again, but it really depends on the craziness of my life and if it increases or decreases.

Hope you're doing okay - sorry it took me so long to get back to you!



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