artificial lake scene

Jan 25, 2006 01:26

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Comments 27

neuy January 24 2006, 18:16:19 UTC
sunway city? THAT??

and since when is it sunway city?


hermitstyle January 25 2006, 04:37:41 UTC
yes it's somewhere under heavy heavy construction, kind of near the medical center and the new condominiums, quite hidden but you could see it while driving along a kesas highway. please discover it next time you come by before this becomes a TOURIST ATTRACTION with fake palm treessssssssss


neuy January 25 2006, 09:47:15 UTC
*makes a mental note*

why don't YOU bring me there?


hermitstyle January 25 2006, 10:01:49 UTC


deathinvenice January 24 2006, 19:22:41 UTC
trés tarkovsky - or aral sea - btw careful climbing on piles of boulders - i know someone who had to dance like a squirrel to get off a big pile that started to come apart - luckily all that was lost was a toenail


hermitstyle January 25 2006, 04:46:34 UTC
there are too many images from ms. google that make me think the aral sea resembles icelandic landscapes. such a poor shrinking beauty, i wonder how life is like below for the things that like to live on the lake's edge, being forced to slide lower and lower.

i also miss talking to you about your home guests and of your husband. please send my chinese new year regards to him.


hermitee January 25 2006, 00:05:41 UTC
-.-" by looking at the pictures i thought there's a nice place for tanning in town.. but after read it... -.-"


hermitstyle January 25 2006, 04:47:25 UTC
better off tanning on a balcony high high up to avoid any sort of pollution ok


hermitee January 25 2006, 06:21:52 UTC
my house got no balcony, perharps you can allow me to use yours.. ^^"


hermitstyle January 25 2006, 08:14:15 UTC
you can only cook on my balcony or hang clothings lor :(


cheryleong January 25 2006, 01:49:11 UTC
yikes.. really ?
in sunway city ?
i like this shot very much


hermitstyle January 25 2006, 04:48:32 UTC
yes one day you can drive and i will cycle there and meet you and we could be like children in a very war-striken country area and play HIDE AND SEEK


cheryleong January 26 2006, 04:42:07 UTC
fun fun i like to be like little kids and i miss hide n seek !


veloorian January 25 2006, 06:02:33 UTC
just wish that my writings were as beautiful as your photos.


hermitstyle January 25 2006, 08:12:36 UTC
stop wishing and please think of a good restaurant for friday night ok


veloorian January 25 2006, 08:27:35 UTC
that, i can do better. lets go thai or indian, no chinese. ok?


hermitstyle January 25 2006, 09:09:18 UTC
just somewhere dim and quiet, can.


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