Title: Strange Apparitions
Author: dancingdragon3
Characters/Pairing: Peter, Sylar, mentions of Sythan/Mohinder, Peter/Nathan
Length: 450 words
Rating: PG-13
Genre: smut, slash
Warnings: Allusions to incest, possibly squicky fantasizing about the deceased.
Setting/Summary: Set in 5YG. The dead are always among us. How we remember them can be surprising. Peter and Sylar are eating dinner with Mark in the farm house in West Virginia. Peter’s mind starts to wander to inappropriate places. Takes place a little while after “What Sylar Is, Isn’t, and Will Be.”
Note about Sylar’s powers: In this scene he is utilizing enhanced olfactory, smelling Peter’s arousal, and quietly slipping into his mind to see what he’s thinking about. And please forgive Peter for being a perv. He’s very lonely.
Written for
heroes_contest drabble challenge #35: “Spirit”.
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game_byrd Peter's bad thoughts this way...