Best of Heroes - Mohinder Suresh

May 16, 2012 10:15

Time to hit your father's research and select your three favorite Mohinder episodes for our next Best of Heroes Rewatch! (I bet you thought I'd put up the Best of Sylar next didn't you?) I'll run a tally over the next week of which episodes we'll be watching.

There will also be a bonus post for a non-Heroes project for Sendhil. I'm a HUGE Covert Affairs fan, but I'm sure you guys can make some other suggestions.

Please don't forget about the Best of Peter Petrelli. I'll be posting Episode #4 - Five Years Gone - tomorrow.

heroes_news - Please link to this entry and any other Community activity posts on the Newsletter for at least 3 issues. Thanks - the mods

character: mohinder suresh, !best of heroes, !rewatch

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