Title: Transparent
200 words, for the "Temptation" challenge.
Peter, "Claude." PG and gen.
“How come we can see each other, I wonder?” Peter said. “I mean, I don’t claim to fully understand the physics of it, or anything, but something’s either transparent, or it isn’t, right?”
“You’re not really transparent,” Claude said. “Just imperceptible. You’d do well to remember that. Most ways it makes no diff, but there are hazards.”
“Like what?”
“Sunburn,” Claude said dourly. “Where you don’t want it.”
Peter struggled to keep his face composed. “You mean, walking around naked?”
“Look,” Claude snapped, “It’s not some pervy thing, going about with my privates out. It’s just...”
“No, I get it,” Peter said, and did. On this cold, gray day, nothing could be less tempting than the thought of taking his clothes off, but he could imagine a nice spring day. The park, maybe. Bare skin awakening to the feel of soft grass, gentle breezes, warm sun.
But not too much sun.
Peter gave up and laughed out loud. Claude glowered at him disapprovingly, then relented with a snort.