Why does Claire keep her ability from her father? What is Eden hiding? Who is Sylar and what is his connection with Dr. Suresh? What organization does Mr. Bennet work for? Will Matt share what he can do with his wife?
This week's challenge comes from
baby_jeans’s suggestion - “secrets”.
Everyone in Heroes has something they’re keeping hidden. Will they ever trust each other enough to share?
Tell us what you think about their secrets.
Dictionary.com, secrets are:
se•cret (sE-kr&t)
1. Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed. 2. Dependably discreet. 3. Operating in a hidden or confidential manner: a secret agent. 4. Not expressed; inward: their secret thoughts. 5. Not frequented; secluded: wandered about the secret byways of Paris. 6. Known or shared only by the initiated: secret rites. 7. Beyond ordinary understanding; mysterious. 8. Containing information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses a grave threat to national security. -noun
1. Something kept hidden from others or known only to oneself or to a few. 2. Something that remains beyond understanding or explanation; a mystery. 3. A method or formula on which success is based: The secret of this dish is in the sauce. 4. Secret A variable prayer said after the Offertory and before the Preface in the Mass. You have until Monday, November 6, at midnight (or until the mods close the challenge if we sleep through it!). What secrets do you have?
Tell us. We want to know.
Remember, it's flashfic. Short is stellar, but if your ideas run away with you? That's fine, too.
Ready? Set. Go.
Don't forget to use that subject line! 'Title of fic' by 'Author or username' Thanks!
And, as always, we're taking suggestions for upcoming challenges. Drop yours as a comment to any admin post!