5 DAYS 5 DAYS 5 DAYS!!!! OMG!!!
All right! So sorry about the delay, folks, but you requested a LOT of stuff! Behind the cut tag, we have all sorts of fannish requests and desires. Fics, as well as art, icons, vids galore - you name it, and someone wants it!
Some of these fic requests are freaking FABULOUS. Honestly, I'd give them all a look over if I were you and see if anything tickles your fancy. The way we're going to work the Request Fest is this:
All requests are under the cut tag. Your goal would be to fill any of these reuqests that you're capable of filling.
You may post your fic, art, vid for your recepient any time from Thursday 1/17 through the week after the S2 premiere date of Monday 1/22.
Please use standard headers for fic and vids, put the requester's name in the subject line, and when posting graphics, please indicate whether they are personalized or shareable.
You may post directly to the comm, or to your journal with a link posted to the comm.
All requests are labeled with the original requestors name at the end. We apologize for any coding errors I might have made, but damn, that was a LOT to collate *g* My thanks to
taskir for doing the hard work.
Please drop a comment if you have any questions or concerns, or if you want to let people know what you're going to be working on. The comments to this post can be social too! See what everyone is up to! Who's doing what!
Again, this is just a chance to do something nice for someone else, and the fandom as a whole. If you have any desire at all to write, vid, do art, whatever! Please click the cut tag and peruse what you're fellow fans are wishing for.
1. Fic
1a. Gen
-- Gen fic about Isaac or Matt dealing with their abilities. By
dragonsinger -- Gen Mohinder fic, seeking for the people on the list. By
dragonsinger -- If you don't like Niki/Jessica, how you would like the writers to get rid of her. By
bipagan -- Syler fixes himself. By
bipagan -- Petrelli family backstory - growing up, teenhood, first loves, Peter in nursing school, Nathan in army, meeting Heidi, dad's death, family time, etc. By
balikpulang -- The world where future!Hiro lives in (and Charles Deveaux described as dark). By
balikpulang -- Hiro/Ando friendship fic, no slashy overtones. I just love their friendship as is (even as a slasher myself!). By
halftone -- Petrelli family backstory - growing up, Peter in nursing school, Nathan in marines/law school, Heidi's views on the family and struggles, dad's death, family time as and with Nathan's kids, first loves, etc. By
halftone -- NATHAN. NATHAN NATHAN NATHAN. Nathan flying (no wingfic, plz). Nathan visiting the Fly By Night diner again, Nathan taking an international vacation, Nathan admiring the landscape.
eisoj5 -- The Petrellis' mom on loss, her boys, or whatever. By
eisoj5 -- Peter & Nathan as kids, visiting the American Museum of Natural History. By
eisoj5 -- Mira working with Mr. Bennett's organization. By
eisoj5 -- Why has the Haitian had to visit Mrs Bennett so much? What sort of things has she witnessed/overheard? By
taskir -- Issac fic dealing with his power/art. I'd prefer it to be more gen and focused on Issac himself, but pairings are ok, too. By
taskir -- Early Sylar fic, concerning his conversations and dealings with Chandra Suresh. Past what we saw in "Six Months Ago", but before Sylar murders Chandra. What did Sylar do or say that made Chandra realize he was dangerous? By
taskir -- Anything where Peter's hair gets in the way of him doing things. By
pheebs1 -- Fic where Peter deliberately shaves his hair off in a 'I WILL save the world' manner. By
pheebs1 -- Claire meets her real biological father, Sylar. By
hebrew_hernia -- An AU fic where Peter is actually crazy(mentally unstable) and how Nathan deals with it. By
avaserenity -- A Micah fic. That's it. Do anything you would like. It's just gotta center around Micah and his powers. By
jessieflower -- A Nathan Petrelli for President fic. By
comeon_eileen -- Backstory of the Haitian. By
sansets 1b. Slash
-- Nathan/Peter with PETER as the dom and Nathan as the sub. By
bipagan -- A slashy, very detailed (preferably NC-17) fic with Peter acquiring Niki's power and his "darker" side taking on Nathan (mmm Petrellicest). By
sublymonal -- Mohinder and Peter meet after their awful first encounter; much angst ensues, slash following the angst would be even better. By
sourcefic -- Peter/Sylar with Sylar fixing Peter. By
sourcefic -- Nathan/Peter pastfic, showing them when they were younger. Perhaps something where Nathan's going away to college, and him saying goodbye to Peter. Or something that spans through Nathan and Peter's relationship through the years, moving from brothers and childhood playmates, to something more, to growing up and Nathan ending things when Heidi comes along. Bonus points for an ending that alludes to the possibility of their being something more again, without being overt about it. By
halftone -- Niki/Texas Tina! By
eisoj5 -- Femslash! Any pairing, any rating, angst, fluff, smut, whatever. By
taskir -- Ever since I have seen Fallout, I been having cravings for a ::gasp:: Matt/Peter fic. It doesn't have to be adult (even though that will be fantastic) just an interaction between the two including more mind reading confusion. By
iz_factor -- Any fic where Matt finds out about Petrellicest with his mind reading, Matt/Peter optional. By
julietbunny -- Mohinder/Peter, hotel in India, first time smexiness. By
julietbunny -- Ando takes Hiro to his first strip club (Ando/Hiro optional). By
julietbunny -- I'd also like to second the idea of Peter acquiring Niki's powers and going all dom on Nathan, 'cause that's hotness. By
julietbunny -- I'd love to see a Niki/Jessica femslashy prison fic. Or Niki/Jessica slash fic of any kind. By
urban_folk_girl -- Nathan/Peter night flying. By
sansets -- Nathan/Peter/anyone because exploring the dynamics of a threesome involving those two is endlessly fascinating to me. By
sansets -- Issac/Peter bonding over Simone's death. (I don't hate her! Honest! I just enjoy falling in love and/or random hookups over shared grief stories). By
sansets 1c. Het
-- Hiro/Charlie fic -- could be set in the time he went back or in an AU where Charlie didn't die. By
dragonsinger -- Isaac/Simone fic -- how did they meet? By
dragonsinger -- Isaac/Eden fic -- could be set in their short time together or in an AU where Eden didn't confront Sylar and die. By
dragonsinger -- Request for Hiro/Charlie fic. By
rosemerry -- Peter/Eden take advantage of each other, with a little Nathan or Isaac thrown in to make it really naughty. By
sourcefic -- Okay, I admit this is kinda weird, but I want a Slyar/Claire fic. By
yaiyah -- Matt/Audrey where Janice is actually taken into consideration! Even in a not good light, at least acknowledge her presence in Matt's life. Bonus points for introspective Matt trying to argue with himself about where his loyalties should lie. By
halftone -- Zach/Claire fic! SO MUCH DESIRE FOR ZACH/CLAIRE FIC. I'd love insight to them when they were younger, before Claire stopped talking to Zach. Scenes from before the mindwipe, how they became so close, just them being teenagers, not all OMG EMO ANGST WAH I AM A FREAK. Post-mindwipe, Claire trying to get close to Zach again, Zach's wariness, and desire to know more. Zach questioning his lost day, him seeking out Claire for answers. First time smut would even be lovely. Something post-Brody, Zach teaching Claire that she can trust again. By
halftone -- Peter/Simone, visiting the art gallery. By
eisoj5 -- Peter/Simone, shirt. By
eisoj5 -- Niki/Jessica/DL. By
eisoj5 -- Mohinder/Mira. By
eisoj5 -- Matt/Audrey fic. Any rating, angst, fluff, smut, whatever. By
taskir -- Peter/Claire porn, happy/fluffy/schmoopy, *no* Petrellicest at all. By
hebrew_hernia -- I'd love someone to write a porntastic NC-17 Peter/Claire fic that has them admitting their feelings for each other and getting their snack on for the first time following a huge blow-out argument. If the argument could be about Simone's need to have Peter as her "back up boyfriend" in case things don't work out with Isaac now that he's clean, that would be great! By
illiriahrising -- Anything Peter/Claire! By
ohh_calamity -- Oh, and maybe a Paire-fic, where it is Peter who loves Claire and tells her and she isn't so sure about it etc. I've read so many where it is Claire telling him and convincing him I think it'd be great to see it the other way round...Something like how Peter realizes that every time he is with Simone he can't help but think of Claire. By
nil_nyx -- A story with Nathan/Niki. By
comeon_eileen -- Backstory of Mohinder and his sexy-ex (whose name always seems to escape me). By
sansets -- Mohinder/Eden. By
sansets 1d. RPS
-- Adrian/Milo, in any setting the writer sees fit, I'm not picky.
gossy16 1e. Crossovers
-- Crossover with House, MD: After three weeks in a coma with no apparent cause, Nathan has Peter moved to Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital under the care of distinguished diagnostician, Dr. Gregory House. Ensuing hilarity optional. By
hebrew_hernia -- OMG...We need more SPN/Heroes crossover fics because we're seriously lacking. Or, and it would be great if they were slashy. By
anisky0703 -- Oh, and how can Torchwood/Heroes crossover fics be forgotten? I haven't found any as of yet. After all, Jack's "power" is similar to Claire in which he can regenerate (of sorts), and Tosh would have somebody to speak Japanese to! By
anisky0703 -- I, too, would love to see SPN/Heroes xover fics! Peter/Dean would be completely awesome (and hot)! By
virtualinsomina -- Sam and Peter (must be paired and can have other chars and other pairings from both shows as well), Stars Hollow, (genre and rating can vary). By
anisky0703 -- Slash preferred for prompts below, but it's not necessary. I'm also completely fine with NC-17 fics.
-Sam and Peter, brother complex
-Sam and Peter, rebel
-Nathan and Sam (SPN), lawyers and/or interns
-Issac and Jess (from GG who apperently co-owns a printing press/gallery), chance meeting.
-Humour: Nathan and Jess (GG); Luke (GG) and Peter (optional), uncle. By
anisky0703 -- Crossover madness! Gilmore Girls/Heroes Jess/Peter (because clone sex? Fun! *g*). By
sansets 1f. Other
-- A genderbend of any one of the characters -- could be fun. By
dragonsinger -- Using the quote "Food is like sex: when you abstain, even the worst stuff begins to look good." -Beth McCollister By
bipagan -- Drabbles (100 words) or short gap fillers in between scenes and episodes.
balikpulang -- Alternate universe (AU) fics on what if something changed, e.g. Mr Petrelli didn't die and the brothers went to court against him, Matt and Audrey manage to convince the FBI about Ted's superpowers, Claire dies, Charlie doesn't die (!), etc. By
balikpulang -- Isaac/Peter/Simone
eisoj5 -- Eden/anyone, non-con, using the Voice
eisoj5 -- I was thinking about why the incest bothers me and I had an AHA moment. Flowers in the Attic was how I was introduced to the idea of incest. So, I would love to see either a Petrelli family backstory OR a HEROES version of Flowers in the Attic (book not movie). By
bipagan -- Fic about any or all of the characters without powers (Simone, Ando, Audrey, etc) utilizing the quotation, "We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by." -- Will Rogers. By
taskir -- Anything where Peter's hair gets in the way of him kissing (OFC/OMC/Claire/Nathan/Mohinder/basically Peter+anyone and I'm happy). By
pheebs1 -- Just think of the S&M stuff a dom could do with Claire... By
mr_cvb -- An AU fic in which something has happened to reverse the brothers' roles. By
comeon_eileen -- Peter finally tells Nathan he's bi (go anywhere you want with that, but no Petrellicest). By
julietbunny -- I'd also like to second
dragonsinger in the call for genderbending! Slash, gen, het, anyone, anyway you want to do it, because genderbending? Also fun! :-) By
sansets 2. Vids
-- A fan video set to "I Saved the World Today" by the Eurythmics (gen or Peter-focused would be great; no Paire). By
sourcefic -- Journey: "Don't Stop Believing" - general series. By
taskir -- Barenaked Ladies: "Next Time" - Hiro-centric. By
taskir -- Bif Naked: "Lucky" - Charlie/Hiro. By
taskir -- Paire vid using Snow Patrol's "Somewhere A Clock is Ticking". By
avaserenity 3. Icons
-- I would very very much like a Hiro/Ando icon. Not necessarily slash, but I wouldn't mind. Perhaps add a picture of a Transformer from the G1 series in there somehow while you're at it? By
darkfire_blade -- Oh, I would love an animated icon showing the importance of Mohinder's thumb ring. By
bipagan -- More icons from the comics. By
eisoj5 -- Sylar icons. Especially from this
pic. By
yaiyah - one's been done, more welcome.
-- An animated icon of Nathan and Peter where there is a pic of them touching and then the icon flashes to "Hot and twisted is the new black" or if it can fit in small script on the icon it doesn't have to animate. I'll be happy either way. By
kelly_girl -- Icon with Nathan touching Peter and the words "good with his hands" on it. By
kelly_girl -- Mohinder/Peter - any, all, especially with them manipped close to each other, eyefucking, or looking like they're working together. Wouldn't mind one with text that says Batman & Nightwing. Also one that says Professor S & John Gray.
technosage -- Mohinder/Nathan - any, all, especially looking hostile and intense, possibly from upcoming episodes so not possible to make before the Requestathon is over. Possibly manipped. Possibly saying: Batman & Superman, or some variant on that. Possibly a "saving the world" type thing. By
technosage -- Mohinder/Peter/Nathan - "hero worship" as theme or text. Also a caught in the middle theme, possibly. By
technosage -- Nathan/Claire/Peter - "what it means to be a Petrelli" type icons. fucked-up!OTPness. By
technosage -- Personalized "Are you on the list?" icon with "technosage" text and possibly an image of Tessa/Sage from X-men or Barbara Gordon/Oracle from Birds of Prey. :D By
technosage -- Lots more pretty Mohinder icons. *nods* There can never be too many. By
technosage - one's been done, more welcome.
-- Any Heroes icons with text quotes from Firefly, Buffy, Simpsons, whatever strikes your fancy (humor is my preference, but you're the artist). Examples: Hiro v. dinosaur icon, with text, "Mustn't crush, mustn't kill!";
lunacat's "Hey Hermano" icon. By
taskir - some made, more welcome!
dandelion_break created these
very cool icons. If anyone were to do something similar with Heroes quotes, it'd be rather awesome IMHO. By
taskir -- Icon with text 'Whoa Milo come on come on let's go' (or whatever the exact songwords from FOOTLOOSE' are. With or without pic to go with! By
pheebs1 -- Any icon with Peter +Hair+funny line=me very smiley. By
pheebs1 -- I second the request for quote icons. By
pheebs1 -- Illustrated and witty versions of the cast, ideally with animated icons, e.g. the TIME photoshoot. By
balikpulang -- Peter icons using caps of Peter from "Nothing to Hide". By
avaserenity -- A tutorial for making icons/wallpapers using Photoshop Elements 5.0. By
avaserenity -- I'd love an animated icon of the scene with Peter on the playground, trying to fly but falling to the ground. By
nil_nyx -- A Niki/Nathan icon. By
comeon_eileen -- I would *love* to get linked to some animated Heroes icons - preferably funny ones, though I'm not too particular as to who/what is in them. By
deepbluemermaid - more welcome.
-- I've checked various icon communities, but they all seem to be stills. If someone can refer me to a community with animated icons, or a particular post, or an LJer with wicked animating skills, I'd be very grateful. Thanks! By
deepbluemermaid -- Has anyone done an equivalent of the PotterPuffs icons for Heroes? Because that would be very cool. By
deepbluemermaid 4. Fanart
4a. Layouts
-- Nathan & flying LJ layout (and then a tutorial on how to install it for a Basic account!) By
eisoj5 -- A Peter (or Milo) layout with instructions on how to install it in my journal (I have a Plus account, if that helps). By
hebrew_hernia -- A Nathan LJ layout. By
comeon_eileen 4b. Headers/Banners/Moodthemes/General Fanart
-- Mohinder/Peter & Nathan, "Archetypal" or something about Archetypes/lovers/heroes whatever. Mostly to go with my "fearless, effusive, and full of grace" story-->verse. I'd specifically love for this to be a banner possible for use in php rotation with others or adaptable as such, with room for additional text to be added by my graphics guru. By
technosage -- Nathan, Peter, Claire Banner w/ how to install. By
yaiyah -- Nathan, Peter,Sylar, Claire Banner w/ how to install. By
yaiyah -- Anything Milo! By
yaiyah -- Oh, and I just remembered that I had wanted some Paire or Peter/Milo banner for a long time now...so anything like that'd be great. And a tutorial how I can use that one a sponsored + account... By
nil_nyx -- Slashy fanart. Boyslash, girlslash, explicit or not, it's all good. By
taskir -- I'd really like to get some art for the comm I'm co-modding,
waffles_hq. Or suggestions of what to use for art work. By
just_like_rogue -- Comic strips, e.g. the weekly Ninth Wonders comics or Isaac's paintings. By
balikpulang -- Heroes moodtheme, with instruction how to install on a plus account. By
yaiyah 5. Music/Fanmixes
-- Would love some Mohinder/Peter, Mohinder/Nathan/Peter fanmixes. I'm always up for new music, and stuff that's angsty, emo, tense with a solid undercurrent of love would be fantastic, but really whatever you think. By
technosage -- Mohinder fanmixes. Yis. By
technosage -- Compilation of the Heroes soundtrack - songs, chants, etc. By
balikpulang 6. Meta/Other
-- Could someone explain to me the layout of Peter's apartment? By
iz_factor -- I'd just love to know where people are getting clips for vids! By