Title: A Safe Journey Home Request: Hiro and Ando Gen Pairing/Characters: Hiro, Ando Rating/Category: PG Spoilers: Genesis to The Hard Part Summary: Ando is resigned to his fate but Hiro refuses to accept it Warnings: None
Thanks! That even kind of made me laugh and I wrote it! It came with a great visual of Simon and Monty zooming around the mansion over their parents' heads as Nathan yells "Oh for crying out loud! Boys! Stop that!" LOL!
I adore Kimiko and even though I know Ando doesn't stand a chance in Hell with her his crush on her is just so sweet.
I am glad I could fulfill your original request to your liking. I really wanted to give you something that captured their wonderful bond and all they have been through together. I adore Hiro and Ando and I really do prefer them in gen.
Did you see the other one? You had a teaser gift before this. :-)
Comments 3
And the Ando-Kimiko. That's just fun.
Fantastic job!
I adore Kimiko and even though I know Ando doesn't stand a chance in Hell with her his crush on her is just so sweet.
Glad you liked it!
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Did you see the other one? You had a teaser gift before this. :-)
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