My brain runs on caffeine.

Sep 05, 2010 21:23

Name: Taylor
Age: 19 though 20 in a week
Gender: Female
Do you mind being stamped as a comic-only character? Is there anyone you would be against being stamped as? If you think I'm like that person, go for it. ...Uh, unless it's like... Matt's turtle or something. That'd be weird. Somehow I'd be okay with Mr. Muggles but...
Do you want to be stamped as male, female, both, or no preference? No preference. I think it'll be more interesting to get a single person that matches me more than two characters.

Describe your personality to us. Include strengths and weaknesses: I'm pretty upbeat, outgoing, and I like to get things done on the spot and I'm pretty impulsive at times (but I've got a pretty good instinct about things so I'm rarely disappointed). I've got some minor ocd so when things aren't working out as planned I do tend to get a little bossy. I'm really really confident in myself (I don't think overconfident though?) and never have a problem telling people what's on my mind. I get annoyed with people when they say stupid things and stand by them regardless of logic and facts (it's one thing if it's a matter of an opinion, it's another thing if you're arguing about how something is in reality. Like alcohol being a byproduct/excretion formed during of the fermentation of yeast. Yes, that is how it happens, don't argue about how reality works unless you're taking it from a quantum physical perspective. Sorry that's an example of something that I've actually heard people argue about.) On that note, it's very rare if there's someone I can't get along with on some level. Not necessarily as friends but on friendly terms... I don't think I've ever really had an enemy in life.
Tell us your likes: Baking, cooking, anime, manga, rpg video games, roleplaying online, photoshop, playing with my cousin Dylan (cutest freaking kid ever man :|), movies, some board games, music from the 90's and back to classical music though I do like some recent things (I'm really picky about recent music though), all kinds of cheeses.
Tell us your dislikes: DOUCHEBAGS. I hate it when people get all romantic and gushy in front of me too, can you say awkward? Keep your private business private and don't make me gag. I also don't like people who have a set belief that what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong, regardless of the circumstances or facts. ..As well as crickets and clowns. I hate those things so goddamn much you don't even know.
Do you have any talents? Cooking. I'm pretty decent in Photoshop too. Also good at organizing things and getting things done. How d'you think I ended up a club president at my college? :D

Leader, follower, or loner? Leader. I'm usually the one making decisions on things.
Optimist, pessimist, or realist? Realist. If the glass is half-full, that means someone was filling it up. If it's half-empty, that means the last action performed was it being drunk, drained, or spilled.
Outgoing, reserved, or in between? Outgoing. No qualms with talking to whoever I want.
Energetic, calm, or in between? Uh. It depends on how awake I am.
Logical, emotional, or in between? In between probably.
Cautious, impulsive, or in between? Impulsive. I follow my instincts a lot, usually because I trust them.

List four values you find important, and why you chose them: Trusting Oneself- I'm not sure this really counts as a value or not, but it's important to me. If you don't trust yourself, then you can't stand by your own decisions and hold conviction on what you do. If you can't trust yourself, no one else can trust you either, and you become unreliable. I think this is a good thing.

Frugality- Don't blow your money on silly things that you won't ever use unless you really want them.

Earned Respect- Respect is something that needs to be earned, it isn't something you get because of blood relations, money, or how many years you've been alive. I don't care if you're 80 years old, if you're a jerk I'm going to be a jerk right back. Respect is something that you need to earn, not something that you automatically get because of a circumstance. Even the worst people can attain a position that's associated with respect.

Learning/Education- People should never stop learning. That's when people get bored and that's when people get stupid. If you want to live life to its fullest, you have to keep taking all of your experiences in and using them for your benefits.
How about your dreams and aspirations? Get through college, then open up a patisserie.
What motivates you? I motivate me. A lot of the time, I just keep what I want in mind. As long as I know what it is I want and I still want it badly enough, I'll be able to keep on track.
Do you believe in destiny or free will? Free will. Destiny is an excuse people make for not wanting to take responsibility for their own choices.
Do the ends justify the means? Usually. There are a few exceptions.
Are good and evil easily defined or is it more complex than that? Where do you stand? Oh no way are they easily defined. Good and evil are stigmas that society puts on things. Just like if everyone wore orange caps hanging from their jeans' belt hoops, no matter how strange it is, it would be "normal" because the rest of society says it is. The "good" people are the ones who win and the "evil" people are the ones who lost in most cases. The good guys don't always win because they're the good guys, the people who always win become the good guys.

You just found out you have a destiny. What does that destiny involve? Is it something you're willing to do, or would you try to change things somehow? If so, would changing things be for your own personal gain or for someone else? IF I had a destiny, it would probably involve finding out the answers to something. It'd be a lie to say it wasn't for personal gain because no one seeks answers entirely for someone else.
However, someone doesn’t like what your destiny involves and they want to stop you. What are you going to do about it? Probably try to compromise with them. Figure out what it is they want and why that's not acceptable given what I want, then try to work around it.
A complete stranger is about to die because of something you did, how do you react? Do you save them despite possible repercussions? I'd probably feel bad, but I'm not really sure I'd actually do anything about it? I mean, I might try, but if it's because of something I did then it depends on whether what I did was an accident or not. If it's a direct result of something I intended to do, then it's unfortunate but it'll probably happen. If it's an accident I'll try to fix it as soon as I can. It's not like I want the person to die.

Four unstamped applications you recently voted on:
Anything else? ANYTHING ELSE? Uhhhh. OH. Hey members~ Just so you know, you can feel free to spread the word about this community. The more members we have, the more votes that are going to go out, and the faster we can start passing out stamps!


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