Heroes Holiday Carol Fic Exchange - RULES & INFORMATION

Aug 24, 2007 19:02

Heroes Holiday Carol Fic Exchange

Let's Spread a Little Holiday Cheer Around the Fandom!!

Structure: If you wish to participate, in the comments of an upcoming entry you will leave a stanza from your favorite Holiday Carol. You will also include up to three fic requests that you would like to receive. After sign-ups conclude, you will receive an email with the Holiday lyrics and requests of the individual you get to write for. Please also be certain to include the rating you would prefer your gift fic to be, and what you don’t want to see. The premise for the fic will be totally up to the author from the inspiration of your chosen lyrics.

Signing-up: Sign-ups for this challenge will take place from Tuesday, September 4th until Thursday, October 4th, at NOON Eastern Standard Time.

Posting: Fic must be posted here in the heroes_xmas LJ on your scheduled posting day between Sunday, December 16th - Sunday, December 23rd . If you are planning to be out of town on your scheduled day, please let me know so that we can exchange your date with someone else.

Requests: Open to anything and anyone Heroes-related. If you want a specific AU, ask for it. If you want RPS, bring it on. Gen, het, slash - it’s all welcome here!

Fic length: Minimum, 1000 words. No maximum.


LJ Name:
Gen (Character-centric - which one(s)?)/ Het or Slash (Pairings):
What don’t you want your fic to include?:
What won’t you write:
Can you pinch hit for those who can’t finish their assignment?:
Holiday Carol title:

Feel free to pimp this challenge anywhere and everywhere. After all, the more, the merrier!!


1. Request at least three stories prompts.
2. You may not request crossovers. This is for Heroes-related work only.
3. Minimum story length is 1000 words.
4. Do not post your story to lists, your livejournal, etc. until your scheduled posting time, so the secret santa revelations can be a real surprise.
5. Let me know as soon as you know you cannot complete your story. Do not wait until December 16th. I will be e-mailing and making check-in livejournal posts as time approaches to make sure everyone will be done on time. If you don't respond to the e-mail or the LJ announcements, I will get a pinch hitter and you will be counted as defaulting.
6. Friend this livejournal for announcements.
7. If you default on submitting your story, the story that was written for you will not have your name on it.
8. Please, please, please thank your Secret Santa. You do not have to be lengthy or detailed, but let them know you are pleased that a story/art was created.

Calendar of Events

• Tuesday, September 4th: Sign-ups open
• Thursday, October 4th : Last day of sign-ups
• Monday, October 8th: Assignments sent out including individual posting schedules.
• Thursday, November 15th: Reminder emails sent out along with poll to find out if there is anyone who cannot make the deadline.
• Sunday, December 16th - Sunday, December 23rd: Stories posted.
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