Title: Strange Resemblences
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: Heroes, Torchwood/Doctor Who
Pairing/Characters: Claude Raines, Captain Jack Harkness, conversation about their respective "Peter Petrelli's". Claude/Jack, hints of Jack/Peter & Claude/Peter
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Comments 4
And can I just say how AWESOME this fic is!? XD I love how Claude has to try and think of an appropriate way to refer to Peter- bless him!- though I do agree, puppy would work just as well, heh.
You got Jack down wonderfully too- I'm so glad you had him recognising Claude as being in likeness to Nine and then throwing caution to the wind and kissing him :D
Thank you so much!
CS WhiteWolf
Glad to be your pinch-hitter! ;)
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