Results - Season 1 Challenge 10

Sep 28, 2007 10:26

Here are the results for Challenge 10!

1st place = 10 points
2nd place = 5 points
3rd place = 1 point

1st Place:

by wantyousafe

2nd Place:

by ponkie

3rd Place:

by jadeleopard

Here's a breakdown of all the comment votes for each icon, according to place. The icon number is first and then the votes for place 1/2/3. If an icon wins in two placements the higher one will cancel out the lower and the lower place will go to the next vote-getter.

1. 0/0/5

2. 2/1/0

3. 0/0/0

4. 0/0/1

5. 1/3/1

6. 1/2/1

7. 4/2/0

8. 0/0/0

9. 1/1/0

10. 0/0/0

11. 0/0/1

Comment with your icon number if you wish to see the comments you got. You can find your icon number here. If you wish me to screen those replies, please tell me when you ask for your votes or I won't be doing it by default because they're all GREAT!

Congratulations, and don't forget to enter Challenge 11 here! Entries are due before 10PM CST tonight. :)

challenge: s1-10

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