Title: Temptation
Author: SinfulTragedies (Nat)
Prompt Word: regret
Main Character(s): Maya Herrera with mention of Alejandro Herrera and Gabriel Gray/Sylar.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 330 Words
Summary: Sylar was Maya's biggest temptation.
Authors Note(s): don't own her, trying to get a voice for her again..
He was there now at every turn, keeping his eye on her as she would walk. When she would speak in a soft hushed whisper to her brother in Spanish. Oh, he knew full well they were talking about him, he could hear his name spoken every now and then. Most of the time from Alejandro's mouth. It didn't effect him, no, not at all. Contrary he found it somewhat flattering. He could get to know Spanish by just listening to them. He figured soon enough as Alejandro heard English being spoken between Maya and himself, that he would start to understand it and speak it himself. He had that feeling in his gut. It made him smirk at the power he had over the two. Oh, they would both be his. He already had Maya right where he wanted her. Eating out of the palm of his hand. He had her trust, but he didn't have Alejandro's. He would soon. He knew that.
He traced his hand along Maya's arm and she looked over to him and gave a small smile before returning her faze to the road in front of them.He felt the skin raise into small goosebumps when he did it. He was her temptation, and he had a hold on her that she just didn't know about, or did she? He didn't know nor did he really care.
When they stopped to rest at a hotel room and he had Alejandro to himself for a while, he seduced the boy, leaving him walking out to his own room he shared with Maya in a daze. He only smirked and then looked behind him as the door knocked again. He perked a brow, answering it and wasn't really surprised when it was Maya standing in his doorway. He coaxed her in and then smirked slightly when her back was turned.
Oh yes, Gabriel was Maya's temptation, and he was about to give her exactly what she wanted.