
May 19, 2005 00:16

Well I've decided to revamp with old piece o' crap. I won't set a standard to how often I'll update, so don't expect a constant update with whats going on with my life 'cuz I don't care any more than you do. So lets take another whack at this and be merry ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

etertaining monkeys on the move yasminkaradayi May 19 2005, 21:39:23 UTC
this is Yasmin..incase you didn't know. Levi told me his ghost story too. and i couldn't sleep. i had to leave the light on. Damn those ghosts!


Re: etertaining monkeys on the move heroicfailure May 20 2005, 23:40:53 UTC
yep I recognize you. I haven't read it all yet, but the fear of such an unknown entity is pretty scary. Lose of sleep doesn't sound so farfetched to me. But I'm sure its just a big coincidence..

Stay on his ass about updateing the journal, and maybe i'll take after him and start a chain of people actually reading this waste of space.


lol! levihinton May 19 2005, 21:45:38 UTC
hey eric lol, yasmin thought that your journal was funny, lol.. and what the hell, i told you once dude =D. haha, gotta love ya man!


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